
Talon Silverthorn is the younger of the two sons of Firi and Kirmis Silversmith. His father lives up to his namesake, being the best smith of silver and many other metals in Elfenland. Tay and his brother, Salis were both born in northern Elfenland, in a small farming town whose name translates roughly into Common as Northton. His father having passed on his immense height of 6’4” to both his 6’2” sons, they were both trained in pole-arms from a very young age, along with the traditional battle training. They quickly became extremely dangerous, particularly as a pair, since during all this training, they frequently developed cunning tricks using their natural elven abilities as well as their unnatural reach. When he came of age, Salis decided to join the Northern Militia, and chose a Bec de Corbin which he named Ignus Fatuus as his favorite pole-arm, an appropriate military weapon. Feeling the loss of his brother’s departure, when Talon was of age, he chose to have his father make, as he had for Salis, a Glaive, which he titled Festria. The balance on the weapon is skillyfully given, and Talon is quite adept at it’s use. As he tried to find his way, Talon eventually joined a group of Mercenaries, The Skulls, which earned him his first tatoo, a visage of their namesake, on his right shoulder. From one of their jobs, he acquire a Dagger of Return, which he keeps tucked in his belt. He left the group soon after his encounter with Vakir, a vampire who made an attempt on Talon’s life in the woods one day. He was saved, though not before he acquired two scars where Vakir barely missed a deadly bite, by a man named Darrian Nightshade. When Talon realized the dear price Darrian payed to save him, that being his mortal soul, he destroyed the evil undead, taking his fangs for earrings, and began a search to find him and make things right within his conscience. Though Talon was unsure how this could possibly be done, the search filled the void in his soul which sought the purpose of his existence. He met a sage hobbit named Rilieu, who was and is a master healer and master drinker. From Sage Rilieu, Talon learned what small amount of healing magic he uses now, as well as acquiring his second tatoo, a cross on his right shoulder. This was the beginning of Talon truly filling the void of having no purpose, but the search went on. For many years, he sought Darrian, and his healing and fighting skills increased immensely. He found Darrian, as well as his wife, Tiphareth Nightshade in a small town, and has finally left that burden behind. He also met many close friends in this town of Slakaria, including his closest ally and most trusted friend, Jacen Silvermoon. Also, Jacen’s love, Nicholette, Jendara Goldwing, Sirrima, a pixie, and Isaiah Pureheart, an angel, and reuniting with his brother, Salis. Sage Rilieu has found his way here as well. Talon has found happiness and purpose in his life with these true friends about him Talon’s long silver shimmering hair, a trait shared by his brother, is often found hanging loosely about his shoulders and back, and hiding his vicious scars, but never obscuring his bright green eyes. He wears a grey vest and pants, tied at the ankles, and trimmed both with red and silver. Silver for his family’s namesake, and red for the blood of his loved ones, which he defends with his life. Jacen dissapeared for a time, but now that he has returned to the lands, Talon is happy once again, and can often be found in Jacen’s presence. He is ever in search of adventure, often heading off half-cocked with friends, but always composed. He tries to maintain a calm and peaceful demeanor, but has been known to be caught off gaurd before. He is a friendly elf, though he appears quite imposing, and is always willing to welcome a new friend into the list of his current ones.