
Name: Typhuun Kayloth. He is the son of the Balrog Kayloth, who took the name Tak Kayloth while in human form. His name an alteration of "typhoon," which is a powerful type of storm that ravages many coastlines every year, causing floods and general destruction. Why the spelling was changed is unknown.

Race: Typhuun is a unique cross between a Balrog and a Nephil. A Balrog is a massive, demon-like creature (although far more powerful than the average demon), that exists in a different realm. Typhuun’s father, Kayloth, is the only known Balrog to cross into this realm, having done so after being banished by Morgoth seven thousand years ago. Balrogs have incredible strength, and very powerful magic, particularly in the fire element. A Nephil (singular for nephilim) is a type of fallen angel that ranks above a demon. Basically, they are fallen seraphim. Each of the nephilim has a certain color unique to that individual, which the eyes, hair, and wings are colored with. Nephilim also each have a special animal form that they can transform into. They also have abilities that could be considered "psychic" (although they are technically different from those of human psychics). These include telepathy, telekinesis, and limited premonitions (similar to the spider-sense, for anyone who is familiar with Spiderman. Basically this means he can detect danger a split second before it happens).

History: He was born in a seemingly normal home, to seemingly normal parents. It was not until the age of 7 that his tail began to grow in, and two more years until those "lumps" on his shoulders began to grow into his massive blue wings. His father had always told him he was bound to be something more. Along with his brother, three years his elder, he was trained to fight in all forms. His father was a good teacher. By the age of 16, he and his brother were the best fighters in the land. The wings and tail were their secret. Then it was time for him to come of age. At this time, he recieved his deadly tail blade, and yet the anticipation he felt was short-lived, for the pain of the grafting process was the most intense he had felt in all his life. Yet it was all worth it the first time he had struck out with the blade. The man's head had nearly detached from his body. It was a shame, actually; the death left no room for pain. His spinal cord was severed within a hundredth of a second after the intial strike. He and his brother continued to grow in their power. It was not long before they were taught to harness their awesome psychic abilities. Each day, Typhuun trained against his father, and each day he was defeated, for his father possessed a strength such as Typhuun had never seen in his life. The process built him up, giving him more and more strength until none but his father and brother could stand against him. Then the day came where he defeated his brother in a fight. This was the major turning point in both their lives. The younger had triumphed against the older, and the fight estranged them to each other. Typhuun flaunted his strength to such an extent, he came to be regarded as a jerk. The day came for another fight against his brother, and this time he was defeated, utterly humiliated. Finally learning humility, Typhuun left his home without honor. Joining a mercenary guild, he quickly rose in their ranks until he was the third in command. The break-up of the guild forced him to choose a side, and he did, luckily choosing the winning one. He came out of that even more powerful than when he had first joined. For over 200 years, the cycle continued, with Typhuun continuing to fight, train, gaining power with each battle. His human friends were long gone, but he had made a few friends of the immortal races: elves, dragons and the like. Yet vampires he did not befriend, the cause of this an ancient prejudice against their race. Regarding them as weak and inferior, he did not associate with them. Recently, he has met several of that race which ended his prejudice. About a year ago, he was known as one of the top fighters in the land. He then disappeared for about eight months, and was not seen at all during this time. (mun note: this was the period where I returned to aol) During this brief period, he married a young vampiress. Unfortunately, she was killed by a slayer. After this, he returned to the old realm, and has been seen there quite often over the last month.

Personality: The death of his wife brought a new darkness to Typhuun. He is now cold, quick-tempered and deadly. He is filled with despair because of the feelings that he is damned on account of his blood. He tries to fight against this despair, often by going to the woods, the one place where he finds joy.

Height: A respectable 6’1’’. In the past, when humans were much shorter, the nephilim were like giants with their height of 6’+. Now that height is merely average, but he is not short by any stretch of the imagination.

Weight: 143 lbs. He does not carry around much extra weight, which makes flying a bit easier. His bones are very light, although they are still resilient, and do not break easily. He has hardly an ounce of fat on him; not surprising, considering his extremely active lifestyle. He is sleek and streamlined; his muscles, while not overly large, are well defined, and appear almost sculpted.

Hair: A deep indigo blue, which sometimes appears black. Under light, particularly the moonlight, the shimmering blue color is more apparent. It is very fine, and runs down to a few inches below his shoulders. It has no particular style (styling it would be impossible considering he often flies through the air at 100+mph), but as a rule it never looks disheveled.

Eyes: Here is where Typhuun differs from his nephilic origins. His eyes are not the same color as his hair and wings, but rather, are a void-like black that look more like twin abysses than anything else. Realizing that these eyes are rather unsettling, Typhuun generally wears black sunglasses. This produces a strange effect, however, as anyone who looks at him closely will see what appears to be a layer of black in front of a much deeper and darker black. This is also unsettling, but one has to be very close to see it.

Wings: Typhuun’s large wings are the same indigo color as his hair. They are covered with soft feathers that give them the same shimmering effect as the hair. The wings are very large: their span is about 16 feet (about 5 meters) at their widest.

Tail: Typhuun’s tail is about 30 feet in length when fully uncoiled. Generally, he keeps part of it coiled around his waist to prevent it from getting in his way. It is covered in a soft, mink-like fur that is the same color as his hair and wings. At its tip, a long, wickedly serrated blade protrudes. The blade was grafted to his tail when he was about 15 years old. The process was long and painful: the end of his tail was flayed to the bone. The metal blade was then welded to the last six vertebrae, making it impossible to tear off without cutting off the tail. It is extremely hard and sharp, and is about 18 inches in length. Over the years, Typhuun has developed enough skill with it that he can use it knock a fly out of the air.

Attire: Typhuun generally wears garments with as little wind resistance as possible in order to increase his flying speed. This means that his clothes are rather tight, although not overly so. His color of choice is black, although he also wears white, gray or indigo.

Powers/abilities: Most of Typhuun’s abilities come from his nephilic side. He has great speed and agility. He also has strong magical ability, particularly in the fire and wind elements. He has intense psychic powers, most notably telekinesis, although he has limited telepathic ability, and gets premonitions of impending danger once in awhile. Typhuun’s telekinesis is so acute that he can manipulate individual cells in his body, which allows him to quickly heal injuries. After years of fighting, this self-healing has become somewhat of a reflex, and he hardly needs to think about it; he can fight and heal himself at the same time. His strength is in the upper echelons of human ability, which means that he is not quite as strong as older vampires. However, he can augment his strength with telekinesis, multiplying it several times. This allows him to grapple with most any race, aside from ogres and other ridiculously strong ones.

Skills: Intense training has left him with a mastery of several martial arts, including tai-kwan-do, akido, jujitsu, caporeia, boxing, and kung-fu. He is also an expert fencer, and can use a sword exceptionally well. He can throw knives fairly well, although he usually cheats by using telekinesis to increase the speed and accuracy of the throw. He is a good shot with a bow or a gun, but again, he often cheats. He speaks English, Spanish, and several languages of the angels, as well as the dark language of the Balrogs. He is also a skilled flutist, and can play the guitar fairly well.

Weapons: In addition to his tail blade, Typhuun uses a long sword called Anathema. His previous sword, Unforgiven, was stolen by Darian Nightshade during a battle with Gabriel and never returned. Anathema more than makes up for it, however. He also carries a dagger on each leg for throwing purposes. He occasionally carries a six-shooter with silver bullets. Lastly, he carries a long wooden stake, which he keeps hidden on his right leg.

Birthdate: November 13th

Zodiac sign: Scorpio. Scorpio is ruled by the planet Mars. People born under it are aggressive, secretive, and passionate. Typhuun is all of these.

Blood type: The blood of most supernatural species is very different from that of humans. Thus, Typhuun’s blood does not have the same type of antigens that determine blood type in humans. His blood is darker than human blood, and is called "Type G."

Balrog form: Typhuun has only entered this form once, and he has little memory of what happened. When he is involved in a desperate struggle, he can undergo a brief metamorphosis into a massive Balrog. In Balrog form, he stands over 11 feet tall, and weighs over a ton. He has the strength of over a hundred men, and great magical power as well. His wings in this state are more akin to those of dragons than to the feathery angelic wings he normally has. His tail becomes much thicker, to the point where it is a massive club. He has massive fangs and claws, and appears to be a huge beast.

Theme song: The Call of Ktulu, by Metallica. An entirely instrumental piece, it has an exquisite main theme which fits Typhuun perfectly with its roaring crescendos and clashing harmonies.
