
Vincent Valentine

Mun notes for the reader: I decided to make this character, s/n rather, because I have seen him played by a motley assortment of people who I am sure meant well.. sadly though they all seemed ill prepared for the task. So I took it upon myself to pay homage to a favored character of mine by playing him in the light I see him in. Some of you may say it is unoriginal and cheap to play a character from a game, or one that has otherwise been brought into existence before you yourself got to them, and I never tried to pass off Vincent as my own creation, I merely try to portray a harmonious blend of what Square had in mind when they made him, according to my own opinions of course, and my own personal Vincent impressions and inklings.

Name: Vincent Valentine

S/N: IIV ValentineII

Origin of Character: If you don’t know this already then you need to get the fuck OUT of my site cuz you make me sick. Vincent Valentine is a complex and fascinating character I pulled from the Square Soft RPG, Final Fantasy 7, for PSX and PC. He was one in an assortment of many less interesting heroes, and my personal favorite “good guy” from the game. Though I don’t necessarily play him as a “good guy” unless it suits my purposes. He is a good example of a tragic character, and as such, exactly the type I adore.

Race: Vampire, though not in the traditional sense of the word. He possesses the normal vampiric abilities such as immortality and uncanny dexterity, speed and strength, and the skill of fading in and out of shadow. He does not have fangs, or the need to feed on blood, on the other hand.

Age: 27 in appearance. In actuality he is something closer to 50 but mortal age doesn’t really matter much where Vincent is concerned.

Occupation: None. He was a Turk, glorified paid “goon” of ShinRa Inc, until his untimely termination of service and his becoming the unwilling human science experiment of the twisted Professor Hojo. His left arm was replaced with a claw starting just above the elbow joint, and Hojo tainted his blood, making him vampiric in a sense as well. Presently he has no goal, guild nor purpose, wandering aimlessly about on a whim, or so it seems.

Height: 6'0" He holds something similar to a regal and yet intensely solemn grace and poise. He moves fluidly, his tall form becomes him perfectly.

Weight: 165 pounds. Vincent is nicely muscled, with a well defined set of pecs and abdominals, beneath all the many folds of cloth. His arms and legs are toned as well, yet more on the lean side, and his neck is slim, though he is quite far from being weak or puny in any sense of the words.

Eyes: Red, and otherwise normal, save for their heart wrenchingly haunted quality. They speak a myriad of sadness, guilt, and internal pain when he wants them to. His eyes are quite easily the most expressive part of Vincent by far, able to turn in a moment from hatefully cold to warm and gentle, according to his whim.

Hair: Black and quite long, never tangled except for the occasional wildly tousled look he gets while standing in the midst of a storm, which he is apt to do when the mood strikes him. Rarely obsessively kept, his hair is usually tied up in parts with a band of vermilion cloth he wraps about his head, and the rest hangs down in careless disarray, though to lend more of a dangerous look than an unkempt one. Vincent is always clean shaven, and almost looks as if his baby face complexion and a whisker of stubble have never met, nor ever will.

Blood Type: A, though tainted vampiric. Vincent’s blood is something of an enigma, having different components to it, both mortal human as well as immortal vampire, thus far in a relatively stable mix.

Day of Birth: October 13

Weapon and Abilities: A materia enhanced rifle, dubbed Death Penalty, and the occasional handgun that he keeps concealed somewhere on his person. Vincent is an extremely experienced marksman, and always has had deadly accuracy in his aim. He judges distances well, and at one point in his life, lived for the thrill of a moving target, so don’t think that running from him will keep you very safe. Aside from his unparalleled skill with a gun, Vincent calls upon his Vampiric strengths in more than one form. If angered sufficiently, he will polymorph into a horrendously powerful, fully vampiric being, and is nearly invincible while in his Chaos state.

Defining Traits: Vincent's left arm has been replaced with a golden mechanical claw starting just above the elbow. The claw looks somewhat gruesome, and he despises it, being the symbol of his disfigurement. Though occasionally it comes into good use, such as the instance when he needs to make a mess of someone... endlessly sharp claws are useful for such instances, and if angered enough, Vincent will employ their talents without remorse. The claw has been fused to his flesh and bone, and as such, cannot be removed. His coloring is a bit odd, the jet, inky black hair, and blood red eyes, complete with the light peach tone of skin, but he is a very attractive man, whether that is to his liking or not. He has a mysterious air about him.

Attire: Vincent is dressed somewhat curiously but it becomes him quite succinctly. Black shirt and jacket with two columns of silver buttons running down it’s length, and loose fitting black pants. A crimson cape shrouding his neck and shoulders is clasped with three of five silver buckle type contraptions, the highest one being just below his chin, and another that same small size a few inches lower, then a larger one double the distance down, below his shoulder line. There are two equally as large buckles which remain unfastened, and the cape neatly hugging his arms down to just above the elbows, and fluidly hanging to just below his knees. He wears brown leather boots with strange pointed golden metal tips, and a matching band of gold sits just above each ankle. An overly large double-width silver belt sits slightly above his slim waist. A cloth matching the shade of the cape is wound around Vincent's forehead, stopping just above his eyes, the occasional random lock of sable tresses snaking it’s way through the folds and down dramatically past his face.

Personality: Vincent is tormented by an overly guilty conscience because of past wrongs. Introverted almost to the point of being cold, underneath that Vincent is kind and quite the gentleman. He is soft spoken and calculating, his quiet is slightly unnerving, as he looks as if scheming something less than pleasant in his mind, the cold in his eyes enough to unsettle the object of their scrutiny, while his lips remain still, in non-expression, and never parting for long periods of time. Vincent is a dynamic person, one day appearing overbearingly detached and distant from anything and all, and the next, intimately connected with his surroundings down to the smallest detail, and the people that share them as well.. at least outwardly. He is extremely intelligent and outward appearances can be easily manipulated to make you think what he wishes you to, be it to lull a person into a false sense of security or whatever he might have in mind. A loner and solitary person both by nature and by choice, Vincent holds ties to nothing and no one, faring for himself and himself alone. Others are quite simply, not of his concern. Lastly, it is extremely rare to catch a smile on his face, which is 99.99% of the time, set into a stern, cold, uncaring look.

Theme Song: Final Fantasy 7 soundtrack: The Nightmare's Beginning. If you haven't heard this you need to. The Square Soft composer guy/people did a good job giving Vincent this as his theme.

I had a lot of good Vincent pics and couldn't choose just one to put on this page so I made a little gallery instead. Click the little Vincent icon to go to the first page.

Vincent's Gallery
