
Ahem.. all of this Vampire: the Masquerade stuff is taken from White Wolf and is copyright them, not me and blahblah.


Caine's childer are called "The Damned," and no vampires embody this more fully than the wrenches of Clan Nosfertu. While other vampires still look human and many travel in mortal society, Nosfertu are twisted and deformed by the curse of vampirism. Other Kindred speak shudderingly of Caine pacing a mark upon the entire clan for the monstrous deeds of its Antediluvan founder. As such, Nosfertu find themselves loathed and ostracized by the other children of Cain, who consider them disgusting and interact with them only when they must.

Following the Embrace, Nosfertu childer suffer an agonizing transformation as, over the subsequent weeks, they warp from humans into hideous monsters. The horror of the physical devolution often produces an accompanying psychological trauma. Unable to walk among the kine, Nosfertu must dwell in subterranean sewers and catacombs forever after.

Nosfertu often choose physically or emotionally twisted mortals for the Embrace, seeing in the curse of vampirism a possible means of redemption for the mortals. Amazingly, there seems to be some merit to this belief. Many Nosfertu are surprisingly levelheaded and practical, avoiding the obsessions, fits and rage of their fairer brethren. Not that this makes the Sewer Rats particularly pleasant to be around; indeed, some Nosfertu come to delight in the shock and horror their grotesque appearances inspire in others.

Nosfertu are survivors par excellence. Few creatures, mortal or vampire, know a city's back alleys and dark corners like the Nosfertu do. Additionally, Nosfertu have mastered the crafts of sneaking and eavesdropping; they make a point of keeping up with current gossip and affairs, not merely for pleasure, but for survival. Information brokers without peers, they can command high prices for their knowledge. Using their Obfuscate Discipline, Nosfertu make a point of listening to others' conversations from hiding, or sitting in on "secret" meeting. If a Kindred wishes to learn about the doings and denizens of the city, she would do well to consult the Nosfertu.

Finally, millennia of shared deformity and abuse have fostered strong bonds among the monsters. Nosfertu forego the squabbling and feuds ubiquitous to the other clans, preferring to work in unison. They treat each other with meticulous politeness and freely share information among themselves. To mess with one Nosfertu is to mess with them all - and that can get messy indeed…

Nickname: Sewer Rats

Sect: Surprisingly, the clan as a whole belongs to the Camerialla, despite obvious difficulties with upholding the Masquerade. Perhaps they value the safety of membership; perhaps they simple want the other clans within observing distance. Still, a fair number of Nosfertu are in the Sabbat or simple consider themselves autarkis (of no sect).

Appearance: No two Nosfertu look precisely alike, but all are hideous. Gapping fang-filled maws, discolorations, tumors, holes in place of noses, batlike ears, sloping bald heads, twisted spines, claws, wrinkled hides, pustulent sores and webbed fingers are just a few possible deformities possessed by Nosfertu. An existence in sewers and crypts tends to ensure that most Nosfertu smell about as good as they look.

Haven: Their disfigurement forces most Nosfertu to take havens far from the eyes of mortals, in graveyards, abandoned warehouses and cellars. In large cities, entire broods of Nosfertu lair in sewers and subway systems. These "kingdoms," particularly the older ones, are often much more extensive than mortals or Kindred are aware - subterranean labyrinths stretching deep into the darkness and guarded by monstrous ghouls. Even princes treat warily with the Nosfertu kingdoms.
