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p. 356

Documents regarding the History

of the Italian Legation in Bucharest



Rudolf Dinu,

Romanian Institute of Humanist

Culture and Research, Venice


        The establishment of an Italian legation in Bucharest took place on December 16/18, 1879, when the first extraordinary envoy and plenipotentiary minister was accredited, in the person of the Count Giuseppe Tornielli-Brusati di Vergano[1]. The documents presented in this article – collected from different fonds of the Historical-Diplomatic Archive of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – refer to various respects of the evolution and activity of the Italian Legation in Romania, respectively of the diplomatic personnel in the period between 1879 and 1914. The first group gathers a series of fragments selected from the diary in manuscript of Alberto Pansa (1844-1923), Italian diplomat, accredited to Bucharest between May 20 and November 13, 1879 and in 1881-1883. Admitted in the diplomatic career on February 1965, Pansa worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ central office by 1877, also as secretary of Emilio Visconti Venosta, to whom school he was trained. Subsequently, he was successively named as Legation First Secretary in Athens, Belgrade, Bucharest, Constantinople, General Consul in Budapest (1886-1889), Plenipotentiary Minister in Peking (1889-1894), Agent and General Consul in Cairo (1894-1895), Ambassador in Constantinople (1895-1901), London (1901-1906) and finally in Berlin (1906-1912)[2]. He was first time directed to Bucharest on May 1879, as Chargé d’Affaires and having the task – finally not accomplished – to notify the recognition of the Romanian Principality’s independence by the Italian government[3]. He came back to Bucharest between September 12-June 14, 1883 as Legation First Secretary. The Italian diplomat’s diaries are usually of small size, extremely laconic, speaking only about the essence of different events and situations. The notes in 1879, the year of his first contact with the Romanian space and realities, are especially interesting. Unfortunately, the political information is seldom and does not take into consideration the Italian-Romanian bilateral relationship or the respects regarding the political activity promoted by the Italian Legation in Bucharest. On the contrary, in his notes, there are to be observed, because of his travels, depictions of the different settlements (Bucharest, Sinaia, Jassy, Galaþi, Constanþa, Giurgiu) and regions (Bessarabia, Dobroudja) of the small Romanian Principality, and also summary characterizations of some personalities in the region, different respects concerning the material, social and of high society Bucharest life in the period, considerations of the contemporaneous mentalities, etc.

p. 357

        Excepting the documents referring to the achievement of the Legation’s palace, the second part of the material gathers especially exchange of letters, official or private, sent towards different decisional factors in the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Legation’s third titular, that is Carlo Emanuele Beccaria d’Incisa (1846-1923), accredited to Bucharest as extraordinary envoy and plenipotentiary minister between May 23, 1895 and July 10, 1911[4]. The matters approached are generally of administrative feature: the Legation’s logistic, evolutions and characterizations of the personell, the manner and the quantity of the activity of chancellery, the features of the space and of the society that the representation activity takes place in, etc. Nevertheless, the political[5], economic and other different information is not lacking, some of them referring to respects of the Italian presence in Romania, superficially or totally unknown. In this sense, there are to be noted, for instance, the referrals of the Minister Beccaria to the activity of assistance and care of the Italian emigration, temporary or permanent, promoted by the Legation in Bucharest in the period previous to the First World War.


        The originals of the documents are detectable in Archivio Storico Diplomatico del Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Roma [ASDMAE]. The fonds that they belong to are mentioned in the text separately for each document. All the interruptions in the diplomat Alberto Pansa’s diary are marked by dots; the ones between brackets indicate the deletion of some days or months.





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© ªerban Marin, August 2002, Bucharest, Romania


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[1] Cf. Rudolf Dinu, “Note e documenti riguardanti la storia della Legazione italiana a Bucarest, 1879-1914”, Annuario dell’Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica di Venezia 3 (2001): 222-295.

[2] Cf. La formazione della diplomazia nazionale (1861-1915). Repertorio bio-bibliografico dei funzionari del Ministero degli Affari Esteri (a cura di Fabio Grassi), Rome: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1987: 554-555.

[3] About this matter, see Dinu, loc. cit.: 230-31.

[4] For his evolution in the diplomatic career, see La formazione… Repertorio: 63-64. Summary referals to the Italian diplomat’s personality, in Glauco Licata, Notabili della terza Italia: In appendice carte di Salvago Raggi e altri inediti, Rome: Edizioni Cinque Lune, 1968: 279; Dinu, loc. cit.: 260; Antony di Iorio, “Italy and Rumania in 1914: The Italian Assessment of the Rumanian Situation, 1907 to 1914”, in Rumanian Studies, Leiden, 1976-1979: IV, 128.

[5] For the Romanian-Italian political-diplomatic relationship, see Dinu, “Romanian-Italian Relationship Inside of the Triple Alliance. The 1888 Agreement”, Annuario dell'Istituto Rumeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica di Venezia 2 (2000): 175-224.