In order to be part of this amazing service604 community project to bring the community into the community, just email us here at service604. Just e-mail us the word 'Community' and we wont reply. E-mail us the words Service604toldmethatromosucks' and will reply ASAP. Yes that right ASAP. You then reply to our reply message with the word 'Caterpilla' and we'll delet your message. If you reply with 'Im a rock-a-billy-raver...Im a rock-a-billy yeah' Will then e-mail you asking for your name, address, and then your name once more. You then reply with your name, address, and name once more. If anything else is with the text box, we will delet your message, if you have responded to our last letter correctly, we will then send you a letter saying 'Romeo dunn' you then reply to this by typing '2 times 10 plus one...' and we send you a Gareth Gates sticker. |