Rising up from beneath the surface of Florida's cavernous aquifer the healing waters of the Ichetucknee River are among the cleanest in all of Florida..... But now she has been threatened. A year after our Governor, Jeb Bush canoed down our beloved Ichetucknee and vowed to protect her, he shocked environmentalists by allowing construction of a much opposed tire-burning cement plant 3 miles from the river. Now it has been discovered that the company, Anderson Columbia Inc. poured over 190 million dollars into State and National Republican party accounts 2 days after the deal. Once again, money was more important to the "Powers that Be" than the threat of destroying this sacred and irreplaceable resource. We did what we could, but our pleas went unheard. I have supported you in the past Jeb, but this is one vote you will not be counting next time.  
Manatees, otters and beavers play in her waters. And she is surrounded by ancient cypress trees.
Dock to Blue Springs
Cement plant that threatens our river
Eagles and Hawks soar the skies above her.
Tubing down her waters, a relaxing ritual
Underwater life, to which she is home
Our Lady Ichetucknee
As you heal the Ichetucknee, You heal yourself, others, and the Earth. We are a part of her and whatever we do to her, we do to ourselves.
I live about 1 and a half hours away from the springs and it is absolutely one of the most awesome and powerful places I have ever been. I love her and it breaks my heart to see her raped and abused by corporate idiots.
PLEASE Pray for the Healing of our River.
PETE.....One who loves Earth and all her Beasts.
This page is dedicated to our friend, Pete. A wonderful "Old Soul" who spends most of his time cave and spring diving and searching for BigFoot! Have you found him yet? He takes my crystals and stones and dives down the springs to cleanse them for me. And brings me power stones from his dives. He knows the Ichetucknee as well as he knows himself. You have your moments Petey....But real relationships are not affected by differences. It is a space beyond good and bad, where everything is reconciled and seen in a new light. You will always be family. We love you Bro.
Who vows to be Catholic, but I know he is Wiccan at heart.
Pete's favorite quote:  Without darkness.....How would we recognize the light.