There is a magic to words...they have potent healing properties. They can serve as passports to a calm state of mind. Sounds can be Nature's Tranquilizers. Choose a word or phrase to focus on, like the words calm, home, or ocean. Do not think about what the word means, just concentrate on the sound, especially the nasal, droning ending. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, sit upright, comfortably in a chair with your hands in your lap. Pick your word and stick with it, over time you will learn to associate your word with a deeper sense of relaxation. Try to clear your mind and relax your muscles...close your eyes and breathe normally, but concentrate on the rhythm of your breath. Repeat your focus word or sound on each exhale. Practice this exercise for 10 minutes each day.
The key to inducing meditative qualities is the final sound left behind to resonate through the mind and set up good vibrations. The end letters with m and n, with their almost hypnotic drone, carry the most meditative weight. These vibrative words and sounds create a synchrony of brain waves which translate into calm. Heart and pulse rates slow, and blood pressure actually goes down. This may be the reason why the Sanskrit word "OM", which has no meaning but does have a beautiful droning sound, is the chosen word for most Western meditators. |