This page is dedicated to my friends, Michael, who inspired me to write again, and to Pete, who gave me the courage to share it. |
We are different, We are strong, and We are beautiful.Beauty ,is seldom strong. The others instinct, Is to enjoy beauty By violating it.
We disconcert them, by being frail, and inviolable.
We are strong and we are beautiful We are proud and we are lonely Why did you put us here?
We who know what joy is, and may not enjoy. We who know what life is, and may not live. We who know what love is, and may not love.
We who know you, and are forsaken, Why are we here?
To look for weaker, fragile,untempered beauty, and protect it .
To stand firm, to know, and cherish precious things, To understand.
Only the strong protect Only the proud stand firm Only the beautiful cherish.
Only the lonely understand Only the forsaken know There is no other way.
Note this , ye others! We are strong , and we are beautiful And, We shall overcome!
Beauty is seldom strong.ext you want here, then click OK to make the text show Use the buttons below in this box to change things like size, color or font. |
There's a blandness in the air, that stones me more than any drug. Leaves a stagnant taste in my mind thats worse than any morning after liquor covered tounge.
It's such a slow, agonizing suicide, With a hole in the heart. And glazed over weary eyes. I need to turn myself towards a new window.
Metamorphosis is never simple or easy, But it's a hell of alot better, than dying in the cocoon. |
New found softness, from full, pouting mouths, Smooth, soft lips. Tender tounges exploring With eager pointed tips. Hearts beating faster,in anticipation, Of our first real kiss. |
You listened and heard the crys of my heart Calling , softly, sweetly, come inside. I need someone who knows how to care.
You came and knocked upon it's door Amazingly it opened, and I became,swept away, On floating clouds of angels hair.
You have protected me from this maddening world Your soft wings ,enfolding , my tired, wounded soul. You gave me strength, a love, not cold.
Listen and hear the song of my heart Singing to you sweetly, softly, gently I will always be with you, always remember And the love within my heart, for you, I'll always hold. |
Gifts of the heart can be the greatest gifts of all. |
Majickal Moon, silent with delight Sits and smiles, on this night Walking the beach with my friend Pete, A shooting star, sparks at our feet. And a moonbeam kissing the sand. |
From her window, she watched him, And her soul cried out If you want me, come find me, I am waiting. She watched and waited, and when she least expected, out of a mist of confusion and chaos, he appeared. Her fair haired young knight, her child of the underworld, chaotic prince. Out of the darkness, he came, But had he come to nourish her hungry soul, or to feast upon it? This she must determine. He came as if prepared for battle, a fine suit of armour protects him, well worn from his many battles. Battles of will, perhaps? She finds him hard to penetrate, somewhat of a paradox. He allows her to get inside, and then pushes her away even further. He throws a curtain of confusion before her eyes, and she is left to wonder, Was she ever there at all? She does know he is very powerful, may be even a bit dangerous. She feels as if she should run, go hide, but she won't. you see, this one intriques her, but she must be extremely cautious, of this, she is certain. She thinks he may have something she needs, so she will pursue him, And she will meet her destination, his fate, Because, you see, Dear Sweet One, she has a secret weapon, She knows that there is no shield as strong as a heart, untainted. And she will teach him many things, because she is not as fragile as she seems. He will never forget her, And he will be glad she let him in. |
Now a little about who I am, I have pretty much kept my spiritual beliefs to myself, and a select few, But, I suppose, I am out of the broom closet now! You know what, I am 40 years old, it feels good, and I am tired of suppressing who and what I really am. Spirit works in mysterious ways, I am not the most computer literate person around, but I was on the web and saw this " Get your free web page" and got the urge to click! It has definitely been a learning experience, with a lot of visits from 'Trickster', I started it because I wanted to help others heal, But am finding it is healing me, as well. It is a lifestyle dedicated to Nature, Earth, Spirit, and healing. I have always been spiritual, but until I found my place on the path, I felt estranged and disconnected when exploring main stream religion. Some of man's most inhumanities towards others have occured because thier ideas of ' GOD', have differed. Most think thiers is the only true God, and every one else's higher power is an imposter. I believe its time for us to over come the bigotry, hatred, and predjudices, and regardless of our belief system, come together and focus on the healing of our planet. We are all of the same web, all universally connected, and will all benefit. Special thanks to my husband, Neil, for believing in me, and teaching me the skills that made this site possible. May you always be safe, warm, and loved....and may we always share our "Home ..Sweet...Home" on the web! Love You! |
I will constantly be adding and changing this site, Come watch my transformation, from kitchen to cyber ! I am of celtic descent and will eventualy add a page on celtic history., Feel free to creatively borrow any graphics, and Thanks to those I creatively borrowed from! What is beauty if you don,t share it.Links are on each page to view my other pages, please take a look! BLESSED BE, BRENDA aka ANANN |
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