The following is a list of some of my favorite herbs. I have studied herbalism extensively and thier healing properties are wonderful. I will continue to update this list on a regular basis. And if you need information about any herb feel free to e-mail me and I will be glad to help. |
ECHINACEA- is probably my favorite herb and one I use the most. It is one of the most powerful herbs against infection. And is found readily in most drug stores and supermarkets. If taken at the onset of cold symptoms , it will actually keep you from getting it or lessen the severity. It is immune boosting , antibiotic , anti-inflammatory , and promotes proper digestion. For warding off colds and flu, take in capsule form, 5 - 6 daily, or mix 30 drops of tincture in juice. |
DONG QUAI- the feminine herb, alleviares menstrual cramps, regulates hormones, and eases P.M.S. symptoms. Comes in the form of capsules, tablets, dried herb, drops and extract.
FEVERFEW-used to treat migraine headaches. 50 to 100 milligrams daily of the dried leaves reduces the severity of migraines. Also comes in capsule form. |
GREEN TEA-a powerful anti-oxidant in capsule form or as a tea. Studies have proven a strong correlation between green tea and reducing risks of cancer. Also attacks bad breath.
HONEYSUCKLE-make an infusion by adding and steeping one ounce of blooms to a pint of water. Apply directly to skin for treating poison oak and rashes. |
GOLDENSEAL -blood cleansing, promotes liver function. Treats bacterial infections. Extremely effective against skin eruptions when used in salve form. Also, when combined with echinacea is a powerful cold and flu therapy. One of the most versatile and effective of all herbal plants. When using as immune booster, alternate 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. |
ST. JOHNS WORT- natural mood enhancer and sedative. Very effective for treating some types of depressions, especially, when combined with equal parts of red rose petals and lemon balm.
SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS-an absolute miracle! Immune boosting, cancer fighting, and can actually lower cholesteral level by as much as 25% if used for several weeks. And the wonderful thing is that it is available in most supermarkets, and can be used as you would use any mushroom. |
TEA TREE OIL- an absolute natural wonder! A broad spectrum antibiotic, antiseptic, and fungicide. Effective against a wide range of bacterial infections, including acne, wounds, cold sores, and is very healing when added to douche preperation for yeast and vaginal infections. add 8-10 drops to cider vinegar and warm water for douche. Also good for controlling dandruff when massaged into scalp. If you have sensitive skin dilute with a little water. |
VALERIAN-Natures Valium, A powerful nerve tonic and sedative. Used to treat emotional stress and insomnia.
PYCNOGENOL- Natures Face Lift- this plant derivative is from the bark of a pine tree native to France. It has been shown retard aging and prevent wrinkling of the skin. As if this was not enough to use it , there are studies linking it to improved vision, strengthening blood vessels, and reducing cancer and heart disease. It is non-toxic and comes in capsule form. |
YOHIMBINE- Nature,s Aphrodisiac- derived from the bark of the yohimbe tree, an evergreen native to South Africa. It causes erections and treats male impotency. It can also elevate mood and aid in weight loss. Comes in capsules, tablets, dried, drops, and extract. Be careful with this potent herb; follow directions. |
DAMIANA- all good Pagans should know the pleasures and enjoyment of this sacriment, and if you don,t you should. At one time I had some really good recipes using this, as soon as I find them, I will post them here. This herb is used during ritual, Beltane, and handfastings. Put some of the leaves in 190% grain alcohol and soak for about 1 month, straining and adding new leaves once a week. Then strain, and add to your favorite wine or tea. It will make you feel real warm inside and enhances sexual activity. ENJOY! |
Please follow instructions from your health food dealer when using herbs. Some can be harmful if used for long periods at a time. |
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