I am so amazed at how a woman named Brenda has so wonderfully affected my life. I have not known such deep and awesome the love I feel for you Brenda. I feel as though we have always loved each other and fate has shined upon us once again in this life to bring us happiness. Brenda, I pledge my Wisdom, Happiness, and Love to you and our lives together, Always! Ever since the first time I saw you Brenda, I was attracted to you and your beauty and sexiness. After our first kiss, I knew that I would follow you to the depths of hell if it meant I would be with you. And our trip to Cassadaga affirmed my belief that this extremely intelligent, funny, passionate, gorgeous Irish Woman was directly connected to my soul. My forever love, Brenda, I knew then that I would always protect you with my life, if necessary. Then through out the Holidays, my love for you became as much a part of me as my own personality. Brenda, I will be a part of your life and love you for as long as you will have me. I LOVE YOU, NEIL |
This is a copy of the "Love Letter" Neil wrote me after I said I would marry him on New Years Eve of 1997. We were married on May 1st...and we both said it was the happiest day of our lives. I recieved many cards and letters such as this during our marriage. And it is so hard to believe that things could change so much. I really did trust and believe...and gave him "My Heart" and "Soul" I no longer know the man he has become...but will always love the man who wrote this letter...Even though, he broke my heart many, many, times. To him these were just words, used many times many women..but to me they were the most beautiful words ever spoken and meant everything. And I don't know if I can ever love and trust again...because he was my "Forever Love." Brenda |