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About the Company
Success with SFI...
SFI Comparison Chart
Compensation Plans:
Network Builder's
Merchant Services
NOC Consumer Program
NOC Merchant Program
NOC Fundraiser Program
Consumer Goods
Tech Services

SFI Info
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Compensation Plans:
Consumer Goods
For all standard retail sales (sales to non-SFI
affiliates or persons who do not reside at your
same address) of SFI consumer goods, you'll
• 30% of CV (Commission Volume) if you are
an Affiliate
• 60% if you are an Executive Affiliate (EA)
• 80% if you are a Team Leader (TL)

SFI provides FREE, personalized "Gateway" Websites for marketing your choice of SFI products.
All you have to do is refer customers to your Gateway(s). SFI will take care of all orders, product shipments, and customer service for you at no cost for each sale your Gateways generate, and pay you a handsome commission for making the referral.
Or, you can buy products at wholesale (individually or by the case) and sell direct to your customers (YOU choose the selling price and profit!).
SFI also provides an array of marketing aids to support your promotions.

You are an Executive Affiliate (EA).
You sell a product that has a $20 CV (Commission Volume).
As an EA, you earn 60% of CV. $20 x 60% = a $12.00 Retail Commission.
    Introducing Quick-Pay!
Get your Retail Commissions
paid weekly to your SFI Cash Card
        anywhere in the world!
  To Join SFI
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