Think like a Vulcan

Greetings,logical aspirant. I trust your intellect and curiosity has brought you here, seeking the ultimate prize that borders the intangible; the essence of pure logic.

While most of Vulcan and its technology including anti-matter warp reactors will remain as terran science fiction for many generations to come, one thing humans may learn from the Vulcans is the rational mode of inquiry in solving abstract problems.

How often it is that human emotions interfere with the logical reasoning process, thereby impeding the undertaking of the right course of actions. Emotions are most definitely not detrimental to one's well being per se. It is necessary however to keep them repressed during critical decision making situations. One would do well to cogitate thoroughly before making judgmental calls or statements.

The time tested way to improve one's logical abilities is simply to train the mind extensively in this area. Here you will find a myriad of mind sharpening exercises that should ideally assist you in expanding your cerebral qualities.


Vulcan logic Test I      Vulcan logic Test II      Vulcan logic Test III

Andromeda's Lair