Misao Kurotokage
Personal Information
Misao Kurotokage (黒十影操 - Kurotokage Misao), Seiyuu: Nobuo Tobita, Hair / Eye Color: Black / Navy, Drama and Music Teacher
A drama and music teacher, Misao Kurotokage is a professional in the assessment of her students' singing and acting abilities, often being rather harsh towards any mistakes they make. At one time, she believes Riku has potential to be a talented actor and ask him for an audition. It turn out to be the start of the relationship between him and Sayuri after he mistakenly confessed to Sayuri while acting out a role during the audition.
Her attention soon switch to Sayuri who she wants her to act a role in a play during the Cultural Festival. It turn out to be a wise decision as Sayuri performed well at that performance. She did try to seek another opinion in her decision. The opinion she seek is from a teenage idol named Yukari who came to school to assess Sayuri. She find out more than she should about her and urge her to make Riku hers before she did.
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