Watch the clip above from the Straits Times. Does anybody know where the original video clip is?

I feel that every student in any institution have the right to record activities inside. This shows the true colours of the institution.

Take a look at this! Scolding a student children-style in a JC! What a disgrace! I feel that either the teacher isn't a professional one or the student is sick of the education there, only learning how to do the paperwork.

I doubt that this will happen in other institutions, whether Polytechnics, Universities, Institute of Technical Education or Private Schools. In the above-mentoned institutions, students are considered adults and know how to think for themselves. They don't need the barking from the teachers.

I hope that the student who recorded this clip will be let off without any consequences. I feel that he has done a good job in daring to show what's happening inside a well-known institution.

The raw clip (QuickTime required)