Friday, November 26, 2004

U're back!!!!! Cool man.....
Come studio tomorrow lah.... Take class lah.... hehe... me will be there 2-4....

Actually the rest of us also haven't meet up for quite a while liao.... Ya... we should find a day and get as many CCs out as possible and have a good time together like what we used to!!!

Yesh im finally back! woohoo... waited at the airport for one whole day to standby for available flights as the air tickets are all fully booked until feb... i was lucky to be able to get a flight back man! Air is hot here >.< hope i get used to it soon....

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Ok... i will not be back as yet... bcoz i missed my bloody flight! How blur can i get man.... Zzzz...
My flight was supposed to be last night not tonight... duhx....
Now i gotto go airport everyday to pray someone misses their flight so i can get on it... >.<
Ok i dun really noe wad to say neemore... give me your luck to get a seat on the flights soon...

Aud to Kit: Hey gal dun mention it... =p
Aud to Angie: Eh organise something that we all can meet up to bitch and eat and bitch and eat...
(the program continues...)

Audrey Phua

Monday, November 22, 2004

Everyone is apparently very busy with their own things.
Saw Carol in the Studio on Sat, but no chance to talk coz me going in for class and she coming out from class.
Angie! Heard u never go studio very long liao... what happend??? U going back for classes still???
Me after musical didn't go class for a month... then now very stiff liao. That day go for Ryan's STreet Jazz can't even reach my toes... siao liao....

Audrey ah... thanks for the super nice testimonial you wrote for my Friendster leh... :P