Difference between a website name and an email address ?
website address : http://mail.yahoo.com email address : my_id@yahoo.com.sg
How to read, write, send, reply, forward, delete email (and more)?
How to send to many email addresses? myfriend1_id@yahoo.com.sg,
myfriend2_id@yahoo.com.sg(make sure there is a comma ,
make sure there is no full-stop after the last email address)
How to create 'hypertext links' ? Your Yahoo!Email program does recognize Website or Email addresses as active links, you can easily copy and paste them directly into your Web Yahoo!Email program :
(i) With your mouse cursor, select or highlight the *entire* address.
(ii) Click <Edit> Menu, Click <Copy>.
(iii) Click at your Email message box.
(iv) Click <Edit> Menu, Click <Paste>.
Alternatively :
You can type directly the Website or Email addresses and <Enter>
E-mail System Revision hi-(2)(1) sign-in your id and password to your web-based email at mail.yahoo.com
(2) compose a message with the Subject: I am here!
To: edwin_koh123@yahoo.com.sg
Cc: your email address <copy and paste> technique
Message: I visited Australia website at www.australia.com <Enter>
E-Greeting Card Revision hi-(2) (1) send a Yahoo! Greeting From your email address
To: edwin_koh123@yahoo.com.sg
(i) preview, make changes, send the e-card
(2) send another Greeting From your email address
To: edwin_koh123@yahoo.com.sgFree e-card : e-cards ( )
(i) build and preview, make changes, send
Complain E-mail Revision hi-(2) (1) return to your web-based email at http://mail.yahoo.com
(2) compose a message with the Subject: Complain
To: edwin_koh123@yahoo.com.sguse emotion icons to express your extreme anger on Edwin Koh, and spam
a Complain message What is File Attachment in email?
File Attachment
What is Computer Virus?
Computer Virus