PowerPoint Module 1

Introduction : Using AutoContent Wizard



  • Mouse Clicks, Typing on the Keyboard, Editing Skills, Desktop Windows

(1) Use the Mouse to click :


(2) Short-cut Menu:

  1. Mouse right-click (Select Short-cut Menu)


(3) Typing on the Keyboard :

The proper typing skills -
2-hand fingers layout on the Keyboard


(4) Editing Skills : The proper correcting skills - <Backspace> or <Delete>


(5) The proper inserting and typeover skills -

<Insert> (default)
The existing text moves to the right.
<Insert> (
The existing text is deleted and replaced by the next text you type, including spaces.

Majority prefers Insert mode.


(6) Desktop Windows :

The Start button <Start> from which you display the Windows 2000 Start Menu (you can start any Windows program).

The Taskbar is the Windows bar at the bottom of your screen that displays all programs currently running.

  • Start Microsoft PowerPoint

(7) How to start or launch PowerPoint 2000 :

Point and click <Start>, <Programs>,
<Microsoft Office>,
<Microsoft PowerPoint>


Point and click <Start>, <Programs>,
<Microsoft Office Tools>
to create a Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar.


Point and click (Select)

<Microsoft PowerPoint> icon to start quickly.

(8) Creating PowerPoint pre-defined sample presentation - a set of slides or screens that you'll show to a group of people.


(a) AutoContent wizard : a presentation design wizard with a step-by-step set of dialog box that guide you through the creation of a customised presentation.

By answering a few simple questions, sample text and formatting are generated simply by changing the text and the slide’s design elements.


(b) Template : is a preset document layout, so that you can modify to create a particular kind of presentation.

Menu, Point and click <File>: click New <New Presentation> when you need to create a new slide, you can select the list of design templates.


(c) Blank presentation : You can create a blank presentation from scratch (Blank template from the New Slide dialog box selection).

(d) Open Document : You can transfer a presentation files from disk into memory.

Presentations and Shows files (.ppt and .pps filename extension)

  1. Presentations Templates files (.pot filename extension)

    Menu, Point and click <File>: click Open

  • Create a Presentation using a Wizard
    Creating a presentation with the Autocontent Wizard can save you time.

<AutoContent Wizard>

Click <OK>

Click <Next>

Click <Projects> Select <Project Overview>

Click <On-screen presentation> <Next>

Type New Employee Training Program
(Presentation title)
Type My Name (Footer)

Select Date last updated
Select Slide number
Click <Next>

Click <Finish>

  • Explore the PowerPoint Window
    A window is an area of the screen that is used to display a PowerPoint program or presentation window : type text, draw shapes, create graphs, add color, insert objects.

    The default view, Normal view, is made up of:
    Outline (left) pane, Slide (center) pane, and Notes (below slide) pane.


(9) Menu bar Commands and Toolbars :

  1. Menu with corresponding toolbars icons
    Point and click
    <View><Toolbars> :
    Standard, Formatting
  2. Standard, Formatting Toolbars


(10) Drawing Tools :

Menu, Point and click <View><Toolbars> : click Drawing


(11) Internet Explorer Interface :

Menu, Point and click <View><Toolbars> : click Web



(12) Microsoft Outlook Interface :

Menu, Point and click <View><Toolbars> :
click Reviewing

Send e-mail with attached file




  • Move Around in a Presentation

(13) Click the scroll arrows at the scroll box to scroll window by window :


(14) Basic Mouse Skills :

Point and click (type the text, insert objects)
Drag-and-drop (highlight, move, resizing)
Shift+click (select till the end and click)



(15) Copying, Cutting, Pasting:

When you change your mind about the placement of the contents of a cell, row or column, or simply a mistake, you can change the way you've placed data in your presentation.


  • Copy is to make a copy of selected range of cells and send a copy of that selected cell(s) to the Windows clipboard (which is an area of memory reserved for data, text, graphics, and others).

  • Paste is to send the Windows clipboard contents to a location inside your workbook.

  • Cut is to delete or erase the selected range of cells and send that data to the Windows clipboard for later pasting elsewhere. Cutting and Pasting means moving the range of cells.

  • Change text in the Outline pane
    When you are working with the text of a presentation, the Outline pane (left) is the most useful pane in which to work. The Outline pane allows you to enter text using a content method.

    Type the changed text in the
    Outline pane

  • Reverse One or More Actions
    Whenever you perform an action that is not what you intended, you can reverse the action with the
    Undo command or if you want to Redo command on the Standard Toolbar :

    However, if you save a presentation, you can no longer Undo or Redo changes. If you think you might want to Undo or Redo a particular action, don't save changes to the presentation until you are satisfied with the results.

  • Change and Adding Text in the Slide Pane
    The Slide pane allows you to enter text on a slide using the
    visual method. In the Slide pane (center), you work with one slide at a time. An object containing slide text is text object. A typical slide contains a title - title text, and the major points beneath the title - paragraph text or bullet text. Just place the insertion point when you type the text in the Selection box.

    Type the changed text in the Slide pane

  • Change Presentation Views

(16) Working with PowerPoint presentation development - Views. The views give you different perspective of the presentation. One view is for the audience, the other different view is for the speaker. The views let you keep your slides, outline, and speaker’s notes separated but connected.

(a) Outline view : the view that holds all of your presentation's text.

Lets you edit and display all your presentation text in one location instead of one slide at a time...preview of miniature slide(s) with miniature view of a thumbnail object(s).



(b) Slide view : displays each of the presentation's slides one at a time for editing and formatting. Lets you see each slide, one at a time, modify each slide's format, colour, graphics, style, text...
displays the same miniature slide in a full screen view.



(c) Slide Sorter view : displays your slides as though they are in a projector. Lets you review your presentation and use the Slide Sorter like a preview tool and as an engine that presents your slides at a preset timing and a specific transitional effect when one slide changes to another. A transition is the dissolving, or wiping effect that PowerPoint uses one slide replaces the previous one during a slide show.


(d) Notes Pages view : creates and keep the notes for the presentation's speaker. A small version of the slide and a location for the text description of the that slide below. The Notes Pages are designed to be printed for the speaker.

Menu, Point and click <View><Notes Page>

  • Preview Slides in Slide Sorter View
    Another way to view a presentation is to use
    Slide sorter view. Slide Sorter view allows you to preview an entire presentation as slide miniatures like photographic slides on a light board.

  • Save a Presentation
    The work you have completed is stored in your computer's temporary memory. To save your work for further use, you must give the presentation a name and store it on your computer's hard disk drive.

    <File> <Save As>

    Type ex1

    Note :
    When you save a file, you cannot include any of the following characters in the file name :
    * \ / < > ? : ; "

Presentations and Shows files (.ppt and .pps filename extension)

  1. Presentations Templates files (.pot filename extension)

    Closing a Presentation and Quitting PowerPoint
    After a file is stored on your hard disk, you can clear it from the screen by closing the document window or quitting PowerPoint. If the presentation has not been saved, Word prompts you to save the file before closing the window.
    <File> <Close>

    Click <File> <Exit>



Quick Quiz

What are the options for beginning a PowerPoint session?



How do you create a presentation using a wizard?

Begin PowerPoint Select


Click <File> <New>

By answering a few simple questions, sample text and formatting are generated simply by changing the text and the slide’s design elements.



What are the panes that make up Normal view?

The Normal view is made up of : Outline (left) pane, Slide (center) pane, and Notes (below slide) pane.



What are the PowerPoint views?



How do you clearly display a slide title in Slide Sorter View?

Double-click individual miniature slide to switch to Slide view



How do you save two versions of the same file?

Click <File> <Save As>




Practice Exercise

Use the AutoContent Wizard to create a new presentation. Create an on-screen business plan presentation with the title Business Plan and the footer My Name. Save the presentation as Business Plan in the
<My Documents> folder.



Possible Tasks to Practice Exercise

Click <File> <New>

By answering a few simple questions, sample text and formatting are generated simply by changing the text and the slide’s design elements.

Click <File> <Save As>

Business Plan in the
<My Documents> folder.


Click <File> <Close>


Click <File> <Exit>



Edwin Koh : We completed on the
New Knowledge and Skills in
MS PowerPoint 2000 Module 1.







Next Lessons

2 : Creating a Presentation
3 : Working with Drawing Objects
4 : Working with ClipArt & WordArt
5 : Working with Tables, Graphs & Organisation Chart
6 : Background, Templates & Printing
7 : Slides Presentation
8 : Others (Optional)



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