Text Box: Bucks

NaMe: Orlean Orlean

BreEd: Cross-Breed Netherland dwarf

DOB: Around June 2003

CoLor: Orange (tat’s where his name came frm..=) )

ThOughts: This little bunny has lots of problems with his health and has always been going in and out of the clinics since young.When I bought him when he’s still a tiny baby estimated about 2 weeks old,meaning he’s been stayin in the petshop since 1week.Poor little fellow...I still remembered tat he was dirty and smelly but he is realli cute when he’s young as u can see him in the photo at the left side.He had scabies and his paws when swollen alreadi when I got him.Later it healed after a few visits to the vet.Just a few mths later,he got into a fight with my other bunny Bun Bun and injure his eyes den I had to bring him to the vet again for stitchin up his wound.It realli pains me seein him go for the op,I was realli scared he would leave me after the aesthetic.Now he has some teeth prob and I had to bring him to the vet every mth or so to haf his teeth trim.He used to be realli aggressive,but tamed down a lot since the neutering a few months ago.Realli lurv this bunny though.He has A RealLi NICe Orange coat though it’s not realli accurate in the pictures.


When he was a baby...

MoMo when he’s a baby…(e one in e middle)

NAmE: MoMo (meanin of furry in dialect)

BreEd: Netherland Dwarf

DOB: June 2003

COlor: Chinchilla

PaRents: Black Sliver Marten (Mother

            Chestnut (Father)

            Belongs to Adriane frm

            Terry Bunny Barn

THoUghts: MoMo is a lazy fellow,his sleeping hrs everday is in frm morning to evenin and the only alert hours is in the nite time sometimes he’s still sleepin even at nite.Sometimes I would go and disturb him when he’s sleepin den he will wake up and look at me for a while den he goes back to sleep again.And yes...he loves to eat too. The bunny biscuits from marukan are his favorites,I will never feed him more than 2 a day cos I think tat will realli make him veri fat.Cos even when I carry him out of the cage for a runnin exercise he will still be lyin somewhere in the house some time later.He’s realli realli lazy u see.But he’s not heavy,in fact he’s light but he’s chubby...hmmm..is it becos fats are lighter?He’s about eight months now and I realli hope he can be a father or a husband.Anyone willin to let my momo stud ur bunny?haha...can email me (evesrabbitry@yahoo.com.sg).if not I think I’ll neuterin him and haha...u will haf no chance den.anyway I think he’s a realli adorable and cute fellow la haha...


