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Here are the pics taken on 23 Mar 2002! Take a look see here, here and here! Thanks to Scott for sending the pix.


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Website last updated 23 May, 2002


Friday 22 March, 2002

Take a gander at the new chaos minis! So cool! Click here to view them on our site.

Saturday 16 March, 2002

The Skaven book arrived in Singapore on Thursday! They were practically all snapped up by apparently many Skaven players.

SQUEEEK! Beware the Skaven!

Tuesday 12 March, 2002

Looks like there's a tourney on the way! There's an on-going discussion here. Everyone's excited as you can see.

If you want to start your own tourney, you can download GW's Warhammer Judging Sheet here.

Thursday, 21 February, 2002

Some more articles on High Elves and collecting them. Here's Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 by Mark Raynor of GW.

If you're looking for alternative elf minis, check out the Foundry here.

Saturday, 9 February, 2002

The vile and malevolent Skaven gnaw through the roots of the Old World like a malignant cancer. Their under-empire spreads ever outward from its sprawling capital of ancient evil, Skavenblight. Seething hordes of vicious rat-men lie hidden waiting to bring the final apocalypse upon the unsuspecting realms of Men.

Click here to find out more at the official GW's site.

If you didn't see some of your favorite heroes of Ulthuan from the past in the new Warhammer Armies: High Elves book, don't despair!

GW's got these classic Special Characters for you right here: Eltharion, Korhil, Hand Maidens of the Everqueen.

Saturday, 2 February, 2002

The High Elves book is out and Larry just field tested his spanking new army list. Let's just say that it didn't turn out as expected. A battle report should be out shortly.

Saturday 19 January, 2002 15:27

There's a new webmaster in town... that's me! I need news and articles and rants and etc. I'm busy trying to put together an army and get whatever's remaining from my old Undead from Tome. Meanwhile, I'll try to visit the forum and look around for interesting bits of info relating to Warhammer Fantasy.

I don't know all of you, so please be kind =)

Monday 24 September, 2001 23:54

• Utter Cheese! Games Workshop knows nothing about game balance (but we all know that already...). See the new rules for the steam tank as reported in a firsthand account below.

• Here's a segment about the new steam tank rules:-

By the way, the steam tank is super smelly. It comes with about 29 hull points and depends on what you put in it (you can put a volley gun in it!!!), it varies from 29 to 23 points. Whatever attacks you shoot or hack at it, you get a d6 + Str. + (wounds of attack) - 10 if you hit the hard side. If you hit the soft side (which is pretty much the top or the back) you - 8. The result is the number of hull points that your attack damage the tank.

The tank on in the picture has a steam gun which cause Str.3, -3 save!!! Better than my gryocopter!!!!! Sigh.... and a cannon in the prow, needless to say, it is str. 10 and range 18", no save, etc. The really smelly thing is the way it attacks. It has steam point (5 a turn) it has to use a steam point for verything (like moving, shooting, turning). It has move 3" for every steam point. So it can move 15" in a turn if it wants to. If it hits you, it causes a number of hits and another number of hits for every 3" it moved!!! I can't remember the exact number but it quite ugly. It can reverse out of combat and then charge again, causing more hits!!! If it fires its cannon in combat you get d6 hits due to the steam coming from the cannon. It is also immune to magic. It takes damage from spells if they are magic missle based in the same way as shooting attacks.

There are several variants. The basic one with a steam gun that pivots and a cannon in the prow for 300pts. The hammer with nothing, kind of a battering ram. The old one with just a cannon. There is 1 with a mortar, and of course you can fire on the move. The last 1 is a cross with the old battle wagon. You can mount lots of engineers on top in a cage and they have lots of unfriendly weapons.

- Report submitted by IronJem (in UK)



A High Elf Mage



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