Soma Peries
Personal Information
Soma Peries (ソーマ・ピーリス, Soma Peries), Real Name: Marie, Seiyuu: Arisa Ogasawara, Age: 18, Hair / Eye Color: Purple / Gold, 2nd Lieutenant in Human Reform League, Pilot of MSJ-06 II-SP Tieren Taozi and GNX-603T GN-X
A "supersoldier" with the rank of Second Lieutenant, she was sent to the HRL's headquarters & was introduced to Sergei in his goal to capture a Gundam. She had been enhanced by scientists from the Super Soldier Special Duty Organization. She is a designer baby, enhanced through experiments bet the HRL's supersoldier division. She and Allelujah Haptism shared mental connection as they were both experiments in the HRL. This caused her to go berserk in one incident and was later given a special suit to prevent this.
She holds a special grudge against Gundam Kyrios' pilot, knowing that he is an enhanced human who 'betrayed' his own kind when he destroyed the supersoldier research facility. After her latest battle in which Kyrios used the Trans-Am system to defeat her, she becomes unnerved by the idea that a 'defective product' could outmatch her 'superior' genes. She later calls Allelujah by an experiment ID number, indicating that she may have discovered his true identity.
She seems to view Sergei as a paternal figure, because he may have been the first person to show any sort of care for her. During Episode 25, she even foregoes the chance of utterly defeating Allelujah, and instead goes out of her GN-X to rescue Sergei from his crippled GN-X; by doing this, Allelujah recognized her as Marie, someone from his super soldier past.
Her status after the events of Episode 25 are not known; she is, however, not seen in the United Earth Federation's Peacekeeping Army (unlike Sergei, who was there at the pilot lineup).
As a Super Soldier, Soma has proven herself to be far superior then any other soldiers from the organization or the HRL.
She first appeared as a cold-hearted person with no sense of tragedy nor sadness, but after the encounter of the Gundam Kyrios, she has developed some kind of hatred towards the pilot.
After failing many mission to capture the Gundam, mostly the Gundam Kyrios, she has grown completely eagered to prove herself as the perfect Super Soldier.
She now knows that the pilot is a failed experiment who is known by his ID as E-0057, but wonders why she could have been out-matched by it.
Soma has grown completely eagered to prove herself as the perfect Super Soldier, & by defeating the Gundam Kyrios, she could be recognized as a true Super Soldier, but she has grown more annoyed by the pilot & wonder why he is not affected by her neuro brain waves.
In episode 25, she and Sergei both fought the Gundam Kyrios, but was surprised that it easily out-matched them, and could not believe that a failed experiment could have easily beaten her and replied that she was supposed to be the true Super Soldier, but she got a reply from Allelujah/Hallelujah saying that he is the true Super Soldier and that Soma is just as skilled as a predator, but nothing more, as the true power of a Super Soldier lied on intelligence rather than speed and strength. Completely annoyed by his words, Soma pushed herself to the limit to prove him wrong, yet her unit was crippled and she was about to be killed. Sergei took the damage and gave Soma the chance to cripple the Kyrios, but didn't finish him as she became worried on Sergei's wounds. Her attack, however, caused the cockpit console of the Kyrios to blow, hurting Allelujah and fatally wounding Hallelujah.
She stopped fighting, because she cared about Sergei and recognized that she didn't want to lose him and be left alone.