Orbital Elevator System
Necessitated under high-level energy consumption as a renewable alternative to the dwindling fossil fuel supplies, the Orbital Elevator System (軌道エレベーター, Kidō Erebeitaa), shortened as Oribital EV (軌道EV, Kidō EV), is a megastructure originally planned by Aeolia Schenberg in 2090 to function in the combined capacity of a space elevator and a solar power satellite. It is comprised of two geostationary rings, equidistantly supported at 10 and 40 thousand kilometers above the equator by three 50-thousand-kilometer-high compressive elevator towers that terminate in ballast satellites. The top ring is lined with a photovoltaic array, and the towers act to carry the energy it supplies to the surface. The whole of the construct is shielded from meteoroids, space debris, corrosion, weathering, geomagnetic storms, radiation (from the Van Allen belt or otherwise), and assorted other deteriorative agents with the use of a physical energy barrier. It is defended by the collective military forces of the nations invested in its function.
Presently used for civilian space tourism, the elevators also act as a stepping stone to the ongoing international pursuit of space colonization. The progress upon this endeavor is unspecified, and currently the only colonies known to exist are Celestial Being's Krung Thep and the Human Reform League's The Internationale.
The three dominant supranational powers responsible for system's construction and operation -- the Union, the Human Reform League, and the AEU -- have presently imposed a global boycott of fossil fuels so to better monopolize the energy distribution market. They are each located in South America, Africa, and on top of the Pacific Ocean.
Union Orbital Elevator
The orbital elevator controlled by the Union (ユニオン軌道エレベーター, Union Kidou Erebeitaa) is situated near the border of the modern-day states of Brazil and Colombia within the Amazon Basin. It was the first of the elevators to become operational, completed in 2297. |
Tenchū (天柱, lit. Pillar of Heaven), the orbital elevator controlled by the Human Reform League, is situated on an artificial island near the real-life nation of Nauru, north of the Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean. It was the second of the elevators to become operational, completed in 2297. |
AEU Orbital Elevator
The orbital elevator controlled by the Advanced European Union (AEU軌道エレベーター, AEU Kidou Erebeitaa) is situated west of Lake Victoria, near the border of the real-life African states of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As of 2307, it is incomplete. |
Beam technology
Beam technology (ビーム技術, Biimu Gijutsu) within Mobile Suit Gundam 00 has yet to come into conventional use. The Gundams are the first line of mobile suits to practically employ beam-based firearms and melee weapons on the battlefield. Standard mobile unit projectile weapons continue to be of the physical round variety. Generic beam composition is unknown as of this time, but it is supposed that the Gundams utilize GN particles. |
(Eカーボン, E Kaabon?) is an artificial allotrope of carbon, employed as the armor material of numerous recent-make conventional mobile units. Said to be one of the newest materials available. |
Solar Energy Mobile Suits
Solar energy mobile suits (太陽光エネルギーモビルスーツ, Taiyou-Kou Enerugii Mobiru Suutsu) are designed to take advantage of the energy provided by the orbital elevators.
The AEU Enact is one such unit. |
GN Drive
Also referred to as "solar furnace" (太陽炉, Taiyou-Ro). A GN Drive (GNドライヴ, GN Doraivu) is a semi-perpetual generator scalable for installation on a mobile suit, which harnesses the photon and positron discharge of the non-evaporative decay of baryonic matter as an energy source. It has been theorised that GN Drives possibly make use of topological defects to generate energy. Though its output is within any given period of time finite, the absence of a limit to its functional life translates to an effectively inexhaustible supply of energy. Owing to the unique heatlessness of its activity and the special properties of its byproduct GN particles, device operation is virtually invisible to such methods of detection as IRST or conventional radar. GN particles are not used in the process of energy production.
Developed as a mobile weapon power source by Celestial Being, which guards it with the utmost secrecy -- they would rather destroy the technology than allow it to fall into enemy hands. The device's relationship with real-life solar furnaces is unknown. |
GN Particles
GN particles (GN粒子, GN Ryuushi) are a type of exotic neutrino released as a byproduct of the GN Drive, capable of disrupting conventional radar and wireless communications with the electromagnetic radiation it expels in the process of decay. The effect is comparable to that of the Minovsky particles in Universal Century. Unlike standard-flavor particles of the same class, it is responsive to an unspecified machine-producible interactive force, and is thus exploited by Celestial Being for a variety of uses -- as part of an electromagnetic stealth measure; in a physical barrier system, for use in such circumstances as atmospheric reentry; as a propellant for the GN Vernier; and as a coat that improves the cutting ability of physical blades. All Gundams use the GN Drives, however Gundams GN 001-005 emit blueish green particles because of their original solar furnaces. The Throne Gundams and the GN-X, all emit red GN particles which is considered a by-product of "false solar furnaces" (Giji-Taiyou-Ro, "false solar furnaces"), otherwise known as the GN Drive Taus. Alejandro Corner's Mobile Armor, the Alvatore has gold GN particles as a result of using seven Tau drives. Since the GN Drive Taus are incapable of semi-perpetual energy generation or storage, they must be recharged when they run out of power. |
Trans-AM System
The Trans-AM is a system that temporarily removes the 'limiter' on all the true GN Drives connected to the four original Gundam suits. With the limiter deactivated, the GN Drives are capable of operating at their full capabilities. Under normal operation, the GN Drives store large quantities of GN particles while continually generating new energy. When the Trans-Am System is activated, the GN Drives release all their stored energy and particles. The release of these stored particles causes the Gundams' armor to take on a reddish hue and will leave a trail of afterimages as they move. Speed, maneuverability, and weapon power output is increased more than three times during this period. However, this boost in performance is only temporary as once all the released energy and particles dissipate, the GN Drives must replace the spent energy. While the Gundams do not lose power in this recharge state, their performance is considerably less than their standard operating capability.
Aeolia Schenberg originally placed the limiters on the GN Drives because he didn't think it would be necessary to use the Gundams at their full power. However, he had the Trans-Am system installed in the Gundams as a contingency plan in the event that Veda was compromised or Celestial Being's plans were altered.
TRIAL System
A system possessed by GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh only. When activated, all GN Drives within its effective range will be disabled and rendered useless. The system is used on two of the Gundam Thrones when Setsuna F. Seiei deem as a threat to the world and a creator of war, attempting to dispose them along with GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh and GN-002 Gundam Dynames. |
Celestial Being Support System, Veda
Veda is the supercomputer of Celestial Being. It is a highly advanced form of artificial intelligence based on real developing technologies of quantum processing. Veda is interlinked throughout all of Celestial Being's computers, including the Gundams. The Gundams themselves possess an operating system that's interlinked with Veda for tactical adaptation and mobile suit combat. Due to suspicious tampering with Veda itself, Sumeragi had her staff create a backup system in the event Veda was hacked again. This system was helpful when Alejandro Corner managed to find Veda, located at its main terminal within the Moon[1]. Alejandro nearly had the Gundam Meisters killed when he overrode the Gundam's systems, but Sumeragi had the Gundams disconnect from Veda and coordinate on their own. Later it is revealed that Veda was directly linked to Aeolia Schenberg's dormant body, but it was a visual illusion. Then, a safety program was activated, unlocking the original Gundams' Trans-AM System. |