Personal Information
Teni (典韋), her historical character is Dian Wei. Her seiyuu is Mikako Takahashi. Her hair / eye color is black / pale white. She is from Xuchang Academy Affiliated Middle Department (Kyosho Gakuin Fuzoku Chuutoubu), 3rd Year Student.
A psychotic powerful archer and assassin barely in her teens. She is a Christian and believes Shiba-I to be the Madonna and worships her unquestioningly. She was raped by her father as a child, but she killed him in self-defense. She spent her early school life being abused mostly by kids in her class who would strip her naked in public, take pictures to sell on the Internet, and then tease her for having no pubic hair.
She learned how to fight, kill, and play the guitar from Shiba-I, whom she adores. She tried to assassinate Ryomou and retrieve the Dragon Jade but was later defeated by Chou-un. In the end, we see her fully recovered and tending to horses with Chouryo.
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