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    Photographic Society CHMS BSB 2009  

        Previously, photography was an interesting but expensive hobby. Today, with digital cameras, you can save money on buying films and developing prints. You can make colour adjustments yourself and also create various special effects in your computer before making the copies. Our  society aim to share our experience and the joy of photo-taking, at the same time promote the art of photography. Our activities include lectures, demonstrations, computer effects, field trips, slide shows, competitions and exhibitions. Opportunity is open to all enthusiastic beginners. Of course the most basic requirement is a camera of any kind or brand !

At the ECA enrollment counter 2.2.07 Recruiting new members
Official photographer of the Sports Day During an Outing
Model Photo Contest, Miri Sharing the joy of photography
Model Photo Contest, Brunei An outing at Shahbandar
Please look here ! An outing at Empire Hotel
Photo Tips
How to buy a Camera  /  Model Posing  /  Portrait Classes   /  Angles  /  Lenses