SYMPHONIA DE CYBERARTS - the homepage that portrays the passion of Arts, Music, Literacy and Love

The year is now 2009 and I have not updated this webpage for almost one and a half year . I hope you will enjoy this richly designed homepage of me CyberArts, I would appreciate if you could sign the guest book or simply drop me an email.
I do not know if the articles written in this website are the ideas of an intelligent person or due to the gifted artistic talent of the writer, I am merely expressing myself.
The year 2007 has ended and one of my greatest achievement is leaving the christian faith
Below are some stuff of myself. Please read on to get a glimspe of what kind of person I am. Some personal websites which I found to be interesting and professional as I deem it to be:-

Andy Wee 's homepage
St Ignatius Confirmation Team (Another webpage of Andy Wee)
Andrew Foo's homepage
Shu Shen's Homepage
Bronco Media House

In the Era of Love and Deceit, the brave persevere with their quest for success for Almighty is merciful and administer rewards as demonstrated from their valour!

Tan Wun Hui Dawn

Some facts of myself:-

  • 1974 -- Born in Singapore, at Mt Alvernia Hospital I am an Aries (leave you to guess my birth date)
  • 1980-86 -- Did my primary school education at Pei Chun Public School I was a 'terror' then, to the teachers and fellow pupils.
  • 1987-90 -- Those four years in Mayflower Secondary School were considered one of my most unpleasant moments of growing up through my adolescent years. The education system in the 80s was different as now. I believe I would be treated in a more civilised manner if I am student now. Back then it was barbaric and uncivilised, the feelings and dignity of the students were greatly ignored.
  • 1991-94 -- What a great relief, I did well in my GCE 'O' levels and was admitted to Temasek Polytechnic doing the 3-year diploma course in Operations Management. I remember I was an emotional freak during the first few weeks, four years of nightmare has left me a stigmata in my mind. However I was soon overwhelmed by the warmness of the lecturers and before I know I have transformed into a bubbly cheeky teenager, at last I am enjoying my growing years, normally now.
  • 1994-96 -- After graduating from Temasek Polytechnic, I decided to further my studies in Logistics and Transportation. In 1996 I graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Business Logistics and Transport Management from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT)

Just some interesting stuff of myself
  • Favourite Food - Pastas and Tom Yam Soup
  • Favourite Fruit - Orange, grapes, water-melon, mango
  • Favourite Drink - Coca Cola (I am addicted to it), Coffee, Orange juice
  • Favourite Readings - Times, Newsweek and Singapore writers such as Catherine Lim and Goh Sin Tub. Other authors include Jackie Collins and Anne Rice
  • Favourite TV programmes - News, drama, documentary
  • Favourite Sports - Swimming, Cycling
  • Favourite Actor - Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves
  • Favourite Actress - Cate Blanchett, Linda Hamilton, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep
  • Favourite People - They come and go. I am still searching, helplessly.
  • Favourite Phrase - "I am going AMOK!"
  • Favourite Routine - Eating, bathing under cold showers and sleeping
  • Dislikes - Hypocrites, betrayels, proud and arrogent people, dirty toilets, uncouth people, humid weather, selfishness and the list goes on

I hope this compass will lead me to the right direction of life

Gallery of my favourite paintings

Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon I and Coronation of the Empress Josephine in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris on 2 Dec 1804 by artist David, Jacques-Louis

The Kiss by Francesco Hayez (1791-1882)

Pygmalian and Galatea by Jean-Leon Gerome (1824-1904)

The Storm by Pierre-Auguste Cot (1837-1887)

Springtime by Pierre-Auguste Cot (1837-1887)

Romeo & Juliet by Sir Frank Dicksee (1853-1928)

Please visit the following pages:-
My Favourite Music
Subjects of interests
Western Architecture
Jokes - lighter moments of life
Gothic Literacy works by Sylvester
Webpage on Mental and Psychological Health
Webpage on highest form of art
Poems, Quotes and Proses from the tormented spirit of Sylvester
CyberArts's Gothic Symphony
The Beauty of God's Creation
You can send me mails to the following address:

Yahoo Mail

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Website last updated on 1 January 2007

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This website is designed and published by Tan Wun Hui Dawn
Copyright © 2004-2008 Words written by Tan Wun Hui Dawn
All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: This site is of no intention of commercial business but merely the manifestation of the author's passion of life and mood. Please read the literacy works with an open mind and respect her flair of composition.