Depression, Manic Depression, Schizophrenia, Obsession, Mental Health

AMOK, BERSERK, CUCKOO, LOONEY, PERVERT; these are the usual terms that are used widely to depict madness or craziness, the signature of mental illness. My interests in mental health are Depression, Manic Depression and Schizophrenia.

"the riding waves in the head, sending tremours of ecstasy of pleasure, elation and irritability coupled with positive reinforcement of the brain, only to plunge into the abyss of sadness, unmotivated worthless feel of the human state of mind. It's like a cycle, and it plague the victim like a curse."

The dark heavy cloud, its heaviness weighing on the nerve endings threatening to unleash its essence of demonic rage to cease its irritation on the nerves; is this madness?

Warning signs of Mental Illness: -

  • Anxiety that is severe, prolonged and unrelated to any identifiable reason or cause
  • Depression, especially when it is followed by withdrawal from loved ones, from friends, or from the usual occupations or hobbies that ordinarily afford one 's pleasure
  • Loss of confidence in oneself
  • Undue pessimism
  • A feeling of constant helplessness
  • Uncalled for or explainable mood changes - for example, abrupt switch from happiness when nothing has happened to warrant it
  • Rudeness or aggression thatis without apparent cause or which is occasionedf by some trivial incident
  • An unreasonable demand for perfectionism, not only in oneself but in one's loved ones, friends, business associates, and even from things or situations
  • Habitual underachievement, especially if one is adequately equipped to do the work one is called upon to perform
  • The inability to accept responsibility, often manifested by a recurrent loss of employment
  • Phobias
  • Unreasonable feelings of persecution
  • Self destruction acts
  • Sexual deviation
  • A sudden and dramatic change in sleeping habits
  • Physical ailments and complaints for which there are no organic causes

If one or more of these warning signs occur frequently or in severe form, a mental illness may be present, and professional help should be sought to evaluate the underlying problem.

The above statement shudders me

One group of mental illness is personality or character disorders, so called because they appear to stem from a kind of defect in or arrested development of the personality. One of the categories of Personality Disorders that interests me is passive-dependent individual, who needs excessive emotional support and reassurance from an authority figure

"My world revolves around her. Her voice, her words, her laughter play a major role in shaping the degree of my mental stability. Her unhappiness I could feel, her affections I crave like a child . Resting my head on her bosom is the greatest maternal protection I yearn."

Web links on Passive-Dependent Personality Disorder:
Dual Diagnosis and the Dependent Personality Disorder
AYC: Dependent Personality Disorder

DEPRESSION In the normal process, nerve cells in the brain communicate with each other. Each nerve cell passes on its signal to the next cell by means of a chemical messenger. Many different chemical messengers are found in the brain. Two important messengers are nonadrenaline and serotonin.
During Depression the messengers nonadrenaline and serotonin are not sufficiently available.

Famous People who have or who have Manic Depressive Disorder:-
- Hans Christian Andersen, writer
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer
- Ludwig von Beethoven, composer
- Robert Schumann
- P.I. Tchaikovsky, composer
- Gustav Mahler, composer
- George Frederich Handel, composer
- Linda Hamilton, actress
- Vincent van Gogh, artist
- Winston Churchill, 1874-1965- British Prime Minister
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), general
- Agatha Christie, mystery writer
- Jim Carrey, actor
- William Blake (1757-1827), poet
- Jack London, author
- Marilyn Monroe, actress
- Isaac Newton, scientist
- Edgar Allen Poe, author
- Mark Twain, author
- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), US President
- Liz Taylor, actress
- Robert Louis Stevenson
- Diana, Princess of Wales
- Michelangelo, Italian artist
- Charles Darwin, explorer and scientist
- King George III of England
- Jeremiah, Biblical figure
- Job, Biblical figure - St Francis
- St John
- St Theresa

For a complete list visit Famous People Who Have Suffered from Depression or Manic Depression

Each time the bout of depressive waves hit the brain the agony is liken to plunging head down towards the dark abyss of hell, bones been ripped off from the body. Screams of mercy went unheard, only to be silence by loss of consciousness where the pain is temporary stem.

Treatment of emotional problems and mental disorders:-

  • Psychotherapy applies to various forms of treatment that employs psychological methods designed to help patients understand themselves
  • Chemotherapy More recently, the control of mental illness has taken a giant step forward with the development of tranquilizers and antidepressants. Prozac, treats depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and eating disorders. Belongs to a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Risperdal, a medication that will treat the symptons of of schizophrenia. While Risperdal is not a cure it can help control these symptons so that the patient can get on with his/her life. Epilim may also be used to control mania depression, a mental condition with episodes of overactivity, elation or irritability. Camcolit, consists of lithium use to treat mania, manic-depressive illness and recurrent depression. Treatment of aggressive and self-mutilating behaviour. Remeron is aimed at rectifying the chemical imbalances in the brain that are understood to cause depression. Remeron is thought to work by adjusting the balance of the brain's natural chemical messengers, especially norepinephrine and serotonin.
  • Electroshock Treatment is a form of therapy in which a carefully regulated electric current is passed through a patient's head, thereby producing convulsions and unconsciousness. Electroshock is primarily a treatment for the manic-depressive psychosis; to a lesser extent the therapy is used on schizophrenic patients. It often shortens depressive periods, and sometimes the patient seems totally free of the symptons of his disorder. However the remission is temporary and does not prevent further attacks.

However the side effects of taking antidepressant medication are:-
  • Abnormal dreams, nightmares, confused thinking
  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness, increased sleep pattern, wake-up hours changed
  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Unusual or severe mental/mood changes
  • Loss of appetite


Serotonin gives sleepiness, Noradrenalin gives energy, Dopamine sets pleasure and pain levels, Prozac inject fuel of motivation on interests that has long since wan. When the effects of these medications wane, its a transcript of depression and delusion...

I feel happy, the level of my creativity and energies at its peak after taking the magic drug Prozac. It gives me the right intelligence to execute tasks that I was too depressed to accomplish previously. I could see the colours of zeal in my mind.

Web links on Depression and Mental Health
Singapore Psychiatric Association Homepage
Institute of Mental Health-Woodbridge Hospital
Understanding Depression
Bipolar Mood Disorder or Manic Depression Psychosis (MDP)
NUS: faculty of Medicine; Department of Psychological Medicine
Dr Simon Siew Psychological Medicine Clinic
Yeo Seem Huat Psychiatric Clinic
Welcome to Adam Road Hospital
Institute of Mental Health - Depression
Psychosis - Early Psychosis Intervention Programme
Singapore Association of Mental Health
Singapore Psychological Society
Stigma of Mental Illness

Welcome to
Andrew 's Depression Page
Depression Information and Treatment
Depression - Understand it, Treat it, Beat it
SANE - Depression and Manic Depression
Wing of Madness Depression Guide
Clinical and manic depression symptons, treatments and antidepressant medications
Internet Mental Health
Mental Health Matters - Health -Mental Health Homepage
Mental Wellness
Mental Health - Psychlogy - Psychiatry - PsychNet-UK

Other Medical and Healthcare Links in Singapore
Ministry of Health
Singapore Medical Association
Singapore Medical Council
Singapore Anaesthesia Web
Singapore National Eye Centre
Singapore Eye Research Institute
Dermatology Society of Singapore
Singapore Medical Web
National Heart Centre
National Skin Centre
National Neuroscience Institute
Pain Association of Singapore
Singapore Society of Ophthalmology
Singapore Urological Association Homepage>
Society for Emergency Medicine in Singapore
College of Family Physicians Singapore
Community Addiction Management Programme
BioMed Singapore
National Medical Research Council
Singapore Society of Hand Surgery
Stanley Ear Nose Throat & Sinus Centre
Headache Society of Singapore
Singapore Medicine
Singapore Cardiac Society
Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Singapore
Susan Lim Surgery
Li Man Kay Urology Associates
Singapore Association of Clinical Biochemists
AboutJohn Hopkins Singapore
K W Lee Clinic & Surgery for Women
Haematology Oncology Clinic
Singapore Cancer Society

Welcome to Singapore Dental Health Foundation
Singapore Dental Association
Singapore Dental Council
Dental Clinic-GPA Dental Services - Singapore Dental
Mount Elizabeth Orthodontic Clinic
Alfred Chong Orthodontic Clinic
Association of Oral & Maxilloofacial Surgeons (Singapore
Yip Dental Surgery | Singapore
Aline Dental Surgery
Gentle Dental Group
Welcome to Shenton Republic Dental
Hougang Dental Center
Q & M Dental Surgery

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Background music is Cavatina

This webpage was created on 7 September 2004

Webpage updated on 19 April 2007

This website is designed and published by Dawn Tan
Copyright © 2004-2007 All words originate from the brain of Sylvester.
All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: This site is of no intention of commercial business but merely the manifestation of the author's passion of life and mood. Please read the literacy works with an open mind and respect its flair of composition.

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