ANGELS - servants and messengers of God

Angels appear as the servants and messengers of God in all the monotheistic religions - Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The Ramparts of God's House by John Melhuish Strudwich (1849-1937)

The English word angel, and similiar words in European languages, comes from the Greekangelos, through the Latin angelus.The earlier Sanskirt angiras was used to describe a divine spirit but the ancient Greeks used angelos, first for ordinary human messengers and then too, for messengers from the gods.
Detail explanation of angels can be found in the Catholic Encyclopedia.

The nature of angels and the composition of the Heavenly Host has at times been the subject of vigorous theological controversy. Scriptural evidence and ecclesiastical theories concerning the hierarchies of angels, archangel, seraphim, cherubim, virtues, powers, principalities, dominions and thrones are presented, the concept of the explusion of Lucifer and other fallen angels discussed and the conflict between changing orthodox and heretical concepts outlined for the lay reader.

Links on Angels

Catholic Online - Saints and Angels
Sarah's Archangels
Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits
Angel Art: Your Source for Angels
Angels: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Everything you ever wanted to know about Angels!
Mystical Blaza -Angles

The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Sebastiano Ricci (1659-1734)

Archangel St Michael by Giordano

Dawn (Aurora Triumphans)by Evelyn de Morgan (1850-1919)

The Angel of Death by Evelyn de Morgan (1850-1919) This dark and brooding figure of Death is linked with a poem:
O Love in Glory
With crowned brow
I feel thine arms
Around me now.
Soft they kiss
Warm thy breath
Vision of love
Angel of Death'
The De Morgan Foundation, London

Gloria in Excelsis by by Evelyn de Morgan (1850-1919)

The Last Judgement Unknown artist

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Webpage updated on 18 September 2005

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Disclaimer: This site is of no intention of commercial business but merely the manifestation of the author's passion of life and mood. Please read the literacy works with an open mind and respect its flair of composition.