I was in Mummy's bedroomz (AMK home)
(from left to right) LiJun (Samantha), LiXiang (BerNice), Hanwei, Dekai, Wenxiu and ME. I was the youngest then.Heez..
I was carrying the doll given by Uncle Chye Poh...
My Favourite IDOL Zoe Tay and I '1995
Haha..this was taken in 1997 when I was only a Seconday 3 sudent
My dearest sister Eunice and I celebrating our birthdays together 'Dec 1998
My favourite cousin Wenxiu and I 'Dec 1998
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We speak what we feel, not what we ought to say
Ignore..is to shut yourself from the world .To ignore..is to keep yourself from being hurt
© 2000 xuelun_5182@hotmail.com