Garage Monkeys
Critters get in my garage...
Dogs, cats, mice...
Even a bird once...
It's only a matter of time before it's monkeys...
Clever creatures
Opposable thumbs
Bent on destroying and destruction...
The Charles Mansons of the animal world.
We've all seen the organ grinder variety:
Cute, hat-tipping little beggars...
Scouts for the clever monkey generals
Who watch and wait...
For the opportunity...
Lest someone out there on the wonderful world of the Net gets the impression that I am "anti-monkey," let me say that the above is a comment on the paranoia of all the flag-waving, John Wayne movie-watching, framed Iwo Jima photo-hanging, George Dubya Americans who are silently thanking their God that Osama or whoever took down the towers and gave the United States a reason to regress to their favorite past-time, far above football, of conquering countries and forcing their populations to grudgingly forgive Martha Stewart and admit that her kitchen decors are "really cute."
Personally, I would rather hang out with monkeys than most of the people I have had the misfortune to meet. But cheer up: at least you're not a traveling box-cutter salesman trying to board a plane.
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