Ilvara Kroro
Darkling Dawn
Sgiath Wolfkeep
Name: Ilvara Kroro
Sponsered By: C'nwyn (of Sgiath WolfKeep)
Gender: Female
Species: Reririan/Alskyrian Mutt
Father: Gray
Kroro Ironnight
Mother: Gold
Aleal Stormblade
Siblings: Riolan, Jeyol,
Rayan, Jeyura, Maeva
Mate: None
Height: 3'
Color: Gray
Eye Color: Gold
Magic: Healing magic & Tp 5
Personality: Consistant and determined, Ilvara is calm and mild-mannered. With her placid temper, she is good at calming others who are hurt or angry, and she is skilled with her healing magic as well. She has a carefree, laidback attitude, preferring to take things as they come.
Alair Wolfkeep (Opening Frenzy)