List of life sayings

  1. You must love yourself in order to be loved.
  2. Loving somebody who does not love you or respect you is not love.
  3. You must respect yourself and your money in order to receive it.
  4. God/Fate/Karma helps those that help themselves.
  5. Learn to say no. It allows you to do what you want to do and lets others know you can not be walked over.
  6. Learn to do things on your own and depend on yourself that way it will be done.
  7. Be true to yourself and who you are for others cannot do that for you.
  8. Know what you want in life, for you cannot achieve what you do not know.
  9. The sadness of life help us to appreciate the happy times. Appreciate the joy in life for you will have it when sad times hit.
  10. Not every dream comes true. But eventually one will and won’t that have made it worth while not to give up on your dreams.
  11. Every time a door closes, another opens. Things may not work out for a reason.
  12. So you do so you get.
  13. Regrets tie you to the past. Learn to let go of them, what is done is done.
  14. Living in the past is not good for you. However not dealing with the past is just as bad, for you are destine to make the same mistakes.

© 1997 Vanessa Gray
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