Birth Date 08/27/1974
Birth Time 07:30:00 P
Birth Place BRISBANE Queensland AUSTRALIA
Time Zone -10:00
Longitude 152E00
Laditude 24S00

Birth Chart

The signs are:

The planets are:

Planet   Longitude Sign        Position House Longitude Sign        Position
Sun 153.74 Virgo 03:44:25 1 357.06 Pisces 27:03:45 Mercury 163.23 Virgo 13:13:55 2 27.06 Aries 27:03:45 Venus 135.18 Leo 15:10:40 3 57.06 Taurus 27:03:45 Mars 169.47 Virgo 19:28:11 4 87.06 Gemini 27:03:45 Jupiter 343.98 Pisces 13:59:01 5 117.06 Cancer 27:03:45 Saturn 105.40 Cancer 15:23:52 6 147.06 Leo 27:03:45 Uranus 204.95 Libra 24:56:49 7 177.06 Virgo 27:03:45 Neptune 246.81 Sagittarius 06:48:47 8 207.06 Libra 27:03:45 Pluto 185.47 Libra 05:28:10 9 237.06 Scorpio 27:03:45 Moon 274.58 Capricorn 04:34:53 10 267.06 Sagittarius 27:03:45 ASC 357.06 Pisces 27:03:45 11 297.06 Capricorn 27:03:45 MC 267.06 Sagittarius 27:03:45 12 327.06 Aquarius 27:03:45 Node 255.29 Sagittarius 15:17:39 PF 117.90 Cancer 27:54:13

Based on this chart, interpretations can be extracted by examining the placement of the planets in different signs and houses. The houses are the inner ring with numeric characters. How planets are aligned with others also leads to interpretation. Such interpretation is known as Aspect interpretation. Aspects of two planets are shown in the inner ring to indicate Hard or Soft in red or white lines respectively. You can find out what outcome is extracted from this chart by examining the interpretation.

On the date that you were born, the planets were aligned with respect to the earth as shown above. The Zodiac signs were astrologically calculated to be in the postions shown on the right hand side. Based on the planet and house positions in different signs, the astrological chart (Natal Chart) was constructed.

Analysis of My chart see what my date of birth says I should be like. The question is am I like what they say?