<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/shadowsaix/taijiyasango.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The other BackDraft Drop out.
    Bio: BackDraft aerial operative. She has engaged the Blitz Team on two occasions, once in a Zabot
(getting pissed off at Jamie...I mean Wild Eagle for calling her little Lady.) And the other in a highly modified Storm Sworder, upgraded by Dr, Leyon (The noodle guy that made the Shadow Fox). She was on her way to a high-ranking position in the BackDraft, but jumped on her Motorcycle and left due to conflicts of her beliefs with the B.D's way of battling.
Major Polta.

Why him you ask? Cause he piloted the Elephander of a brief second. He won, due to the fact the Champ Team majorly sucks. My thoery on where hes at now is in jail. He's better at taking orders then piloting a Zoid, so I have no idea why I put him on here.....Heres a thought. The guy that plays Stroller is also Polta. yeah, thats why I put him on here.
MMMMM, Bikini