Today is

Website Updated 6/2/04

FREE Web Design and Graphics made just for you!

My FREE website design offers an easy to navigate and imaginative plan in creating a website just for you. I can do any type website that you are wanting whether it's to promote your rabbits, dogs, cats, or whatever your favorite hobby may be..
Your Website --> ( Must be family Friendly! )
Each website I make will have FREE custom made Graphics made just for you.

I have several different layouts I use.
5 layer backgrounds
triple Background
bordered background
single background

All designs and graphics will be a custom made theme of your choice.

Click here for Application For Web Design

Click here to see Websites I have done

I also Offer some FREE clip art and back grounds

* Debi aka Dangels *

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    Shady Acre Rabbitry


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    © Copyright 1998-2003
    Shady Acre Rabbitry all rights reserved.
    All content including backgrounds, graphics and text are
    property of Shady Acre Rabbitry unless otherwise noted.
    Please do not copy anything from this website without expressed written permission.