Hi! Thanks for Visiting My Guestbook!

Saura - 12/12/00 04:17:44
My Email:good_angel00@hotmail.com
I want to know more about your country because, my heart is there. Please writte me ok!

Farruh - 11/22/00 12:41:17
My Email:fshermatov@yahoo.co.uk
Hello! very nice site, I`m Tajik guy from UK, and I was really glad when I found this site, thanx...

sarina schmitt-tadjibaeva - 11/21/00 23:42:33
My Email:zasc0000@stud.uni-saarland.de
Assalomu allejkum Horoshaja u was stranichka. Dlja menja,na chujbine prijatno snat chto tadjiki ne spjat. Jivu w Gemany i rada sgljadiwat k wam, kogda est toska po rodine. Salomati va Hushbahti. Sarina

Zainiddin - 11/01/00 22:26:42
My URL:http://www.personal.ceu.hu/students/00/Zainiddin_Karaev
Ofarin, Sodiq! Khizmaty turo vatan va mardumonash faromush nakhohand kard!! Maslihate dorma: khub meshud agar navishtahoi Iraj Bashiri va digar tarikhchiyonro dar borai Tojikistan joi medodi dar sahifaat (link).

Takhmina N - 11/01/00 04:14:34
My Email:takhmina_n@hotmail.com
Hi hello. My name is Takhmina and I am from Kazakhstan. What I wanna say is that you've got a great site. Very bright and interesting. But I realised there were some problems: 1. You realllyyyyy realllllyyyyy have to change your domain and get a better na e for your site. 2. Some of links are not working, please work on that. 3. Don't you think that there a bit of mess on your site? Very hard to find right buttons. Please clean it up. Anyway thanks for such a cool site. Take care. Taha

Arshad - 10/31/00 22:14:34
My Email:hejraan79@aol.com
Salom Sodiq jon Az in website besyor khusham omad, ofarin!

Husrav Sharifov - 10/12/00 14:34:33
My Email:husik18@yahoo.com
Man, it was really a great idea of you to create such a site. I love my country, and though it has not been in good condition in last days, I think we all should do everything we can to help it. I live outside of my home now as a student and I miss it very much. And every time I visit your site I feel like visiting a part of Tajikistan, Thank you very much for that. Husrav

Zarina - 09/21/00 18:12:49
My Email:zaia_dal@yahoo.com
I loved it, Sodiq! This is so cool. I really feel myself at home when I am here. Thanks for such an amazing feeling! I really miss my Tajikistan! And I am very proud of being a part of the most splendid, warmest and welcoming land as OURS!!! I do believe we'll overcome everything and will be happy! Our nation deserves it. Thanks and see you soon, Zarina

Wali - 09/11/00 13:56:49
My Email:wali43@hotmail.com
Salom Assalomu alaykum Barodari muhtaram va bosharafam Sodiqjon. Man khelo khursandam,ki shumo hamai hamvatanonamonro ba ruzi istiqloli Vatani azizamon tabric va tahniat gufted, zero ki man ham misli digar hamvatanonamon khorig az kishvri azizamon dar tahsili lm mebosham, va man chize az ahvoli jashni istiqloli vatanamon az akhborho nameshunavam. Dar okhir bo shumo khudo hofizi meguyam va shumoro ba khudo mesuporam, hamchunone ki shoiri buzurgamon Sadi meguyad:BA NOMI KHUDOI JON OFARIN HAKIMI SUKHAN BAR ZABON OFARIN

Ramin Farahani - 09/03/00 21:15:33
My URL:http://oocities.com/raminbox
My Email:raminbox@yahoo.com
Great Music page you have made in your site. I was searching for Tajik music online. But couldnt find it. finally today I came from tajik Update in your site. Now I'm gonna listen to all songs there. Because I love Tajik culture. Pirooz bashid, Ramin, an Iranian from Holland

Daulet - 09/01/00 15:21:52
My Email:DauletS@usa.net
Privet! I am from Kasakhstan but I am in germany now. I ceychas v takom trydnom polojenie, chto mne nyjna SROCHNO Tvoya pomoch!!! I want to stay in Germany unlegal help me please Esli Tebe ne trydno vishli mne vsu information ob Tadjikistane ( kakie dengi, kopiu voditelskich prav, pasporta, kto president, schet do 10, s kakogo goda voyna, pary dejyrnix clöv i t.d i t.p) No samoe glavnoe podrobnyu karty vsego Tadjikistana jelatelno malenkoe gornoe selo (kishlak)gde-nibud na otshibe v rayone boevix deystviy, na granize c Afganistanom. Priblizitelno kakie y nix familii, imena i otchestva.(jenskie i myjskie9 Esli cmojesh prishli v etot je day God bless you Daulet

Alisher - 08/26/00 00:38:29
Great collection of tajik music you have on you site. Very rare to find but thanks for putting them on your site. I was wondering if there was a way to get other tajik songs. Thanks

Tokhir Mirzoev - 08/24/00 21:26:34
My URL:http://www.personal.ceu/99/Tokhir_Mirzoev
My Email:mirzoev.1@osu.edu
Hi Man, I didn't have an opportunity to sign your guestbook in Budapest but will do it now from the US. You have done a great job and I enjoy listening music from your page :-)) Good luck with your studies and your business career. Best, Tokhir

Steve - 08/17/00 14:43:10
My URL:http://assist.neded.org
My Email:sw62756@navix.net
One of the best web sites on Tajikistan I have found. My wife and I are making our first visit to Tajikistan next month - thank you for the news and views you provide as a preview for us.

Jonathan C. Wilbur - 08/01/00 04:22:48
My Email:jlwilbur@earthlink.net
Incredible presentation on Tajik business opportunities as well as Tajikistan in general. Well done. I have a friend working with an NGO in Dushanbe that has invited me (wife and kids also) to work with him. He has asked me to help in business developm nt. From your presentation it appears that the opportunities are there. My wife and I are studying Farsi, do you think this will help in learning Tajik? If you have time I would like to learn more about Tajikistan from you. Thank.....Jonathan

sayora - 07/11/00 20:15:03
My Email:ababaev@aol.com
it was very nice to discover such a page

Vugar - 07/02/00 21:57:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/seidovv/frames.html
My Email:seidovv@ceu.hu
Great job. Keep up! Best, Vugar

Abdul - 06/24/00 00:40:40
My Email:abdulmm_iloliev@hotmail.com
hello,my name is Abdul and i'm a student at the London University (SOAS). it's pleasure to see your web site. you are doing a great job,keep it like this. we should introduce our country and its advantages to the whole world. if anyone like you somehow co ld contribute to the prosperity of our country(moral or material)then i'm sure we can make our life better than it was before. thanks and good luck.

Abdul - 06/24/00 00:38:02
My Email:abdulmm_iloliev@hotmail.com
hello,my name is Abdul and i'm a student at the London University (SOAS). it's pleasure to see your web site. you are doing a great job,keep it like this. we should introduce our country and its advantages to the whole world. if anyone like you somehow co ld contribute to the prosperity of our country(moral or material)then i'm sure we can make our life better than it was before. thanks and good luck.

Abdul - 06/24/00 00:28:34
My Email:abdulmm_iloliev@hotmail.com
hello,my name is Abdul and i'm a student at the London University (SOAS). it's pleasure to see your web side. you are doing great job,keep it like this. we should introduce our country and its advantages to the whole world. if anyone like you somehow coul contribute to the prosperity of our country(moral or material)then i'm sure we can make our life better than it was before. thanks and good luck.

saidasror - 06/09/00 17:17:45
My Email:saidasrors@hotmail.com
Shumo sazovori millati arzandai khud hasted. Mo tojikon bo Shumo barin farzandhoyash fakhr mekunem.Khudo nigahbonat boshad!

savriniso - 06/06/00 17:15:00
My Email:savriniso@hotmail.com
Hi Sodiq, i would like to thank you for creating this page,I'm from Dushanbe, but since 1995 live in England. Would it be possible for you to include Nargis Bandishoeva in the near future,thank you very much i appreciate your hard work.

Anvarsho - 05/28/00 19:18:38
My Email:masaget@usa.net
Salom.Aka chiheli?koru bor,salomtyot umed dorum ki hamash soz.Amihel dromadum guftum yagon navigari boshad binem.Barori kor...

sodiq - 05/26/00 09:11:09
Human Rights in TJ. Check it out. This is what the US think about our regime. http://www.state.gov/www/global/human_rights/1999_hrp_report/tajikist.html.

Sodiq - 05/24/00 17:46:48
Anvarsho, I am sorry I can't speak your language. Thanks for leaving your message anyway. Dar panohi Xudovand. Sodiq

Anvarsho - 05/18/00 13:05:20
My Email:masaget@usa.net
Sodiq virod tut Pomeriy onay?Tared chireta?Ichizgat nivish murd.

Anvarsho - 05/18/00 12:15:18
My Email:masaget@usa.net
Akai Sodiq chihelen shumo salomatyo,koru bor???Man az internet tasadufan sayti shumora yoftum,guftum yak gap partom.Man hudum Tursiyada hondestum.Agar yagon chi boshad e-mailma mondum...Hudo hofiz.

Omar Khayyam - 05/16/00 12:10:16
My URL:http://www.arabiannights.org/rubaiyat/index2.html
Check it out

XAM3A - 05/01/00 14:31:41
My Email:mard@email.com
Rahmati KALON Barodar! Your page become one of my favoritest... Wish you wont stop on this and will continue to give us chance to hear this magic music of Pamir mountains.Wish you all best!

Yakub - 04/21/00 10:43:21
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/yakubimamov/index.html
My Email:polsci99_00@yahoo.com
Sodiq, it's a very good home page. I am really happy that you are so advanced in HTML and your love towards our Motherland is still fresh and strong. Tahnk you for you page and music. It's a great job!!! :-)))

Teresa Rust - 04/20/00 02:36:15
My Email:rustfmly@c-zone.net
We have lived in your very beautiful country.

Takhmina - 04/18/00 16:31:22
My Email:shtu30@hotmail.com
Hello, Sodiq! I liked your site very much . I am studing in Sweden , in Uppsala Universaty .I am from Dushanbe . I miss my country very much and I am so glad that there are such guys like you , which create such sites .

Jurij - 04/09/00 19:20:20
My Email:jurij4@hotmail.com
Hi Sodiq! I like your site. I´m also from Tajikistan but i live in Germany. I leaved Tajikistan in 1991. I´t´s very important for me to read something about country where i born. Later i want to right you an E-Mail. Bey!

Sodiq - 04/04/00 13:40:11
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/shaitov
My Email:sodiq2000@persian.com
Hi! I hope u liked my web-page!! Make sure u live ur message here. And come back soon, since I am in the process of adding some more Tajik music.

Issa - 04/03/00 01:55:01
My Email:issah72
Dear friend Sadiq: Nice site. Very nice, indeed. Enjoy the music of Daler Nazarov "Gharibi Dard" Thank you again Regards- Issa Hajjizadeh Las Vegas

Iraj Bashiri - 03/30/00 04:23:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/rnb/bashiri/index.html
My Email:bashi001@maroon.tc.umn.edu
Thanks for including my web site on your page. However, the URL has changed to http://www.angelfire.com/rnb/bashiri/index.html or simply http://bashiris.com.

Reza - 03/27/00 23:49:45
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/planetaX
My Email:behesht@hotmail.com
Salaam va sad salaam berodaram!!! I love your homepage and think it is wonderful....I hope that one day all Persian people can be one nation again!!!!! A few hundred years may separate us but thousands unite us.....

Jayne - 03/22/00 18:38:50
My URL:http://uzbekskating.tripod.com/index.html
My Email:uzbekskating@yahoo.ca
Great site! I love it I learned a lot about your country here:)

Sanavbar - 03/22/00 16:28:06
My Email:sanosha1963@hotmail.com
YOU are great, Guys. I proud of you.

Anna - 03/02/00 13:50:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Amadina/me.htm
My Email:amadinad@yahoo.com
Everything is great, especially the music page. I hope you add Oleg Fesov as soon as possible - a singer like him should be promoted globally!

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