The affiliated groups in Shaman
Circle are interested in "Core-Shamanism". We do not claim to be
Native American or offer anything that could be considered "Traditional
Teaching". There is a great deal of diversity in the beliefs and
traditions between different tribes; just as there are big differences in those
cultures and what is significant in each of those traditions.
In "Core-Shamanism"
there are those techniques or "tools" that have endured and are yet relevant
in today's contemporary society. It is a belief that the "Spirit
Realm" is the source of these tools and are given new at each generation,
or at least renewed from time-to-time, and that these tools are valuable in
many cultural settings. Even though there are parallels from shamanism to many
indigenous cultures around the world; Instead of maintaining a
"Tradition" that comes out of a specific place and time (culture),
the practices of core-shamanism are new each time for every initiate.
All of the Circles and Groups at Shaman Circle uphold the idea of Acceptance!
Acceptance of other's beliefs and systems of religion is one aspect of "acceptance".
We do not pretend to be Native
American or hold any special connections to Tribal Communities or Associations.
Nor do we indiscriminately "borrow" from other traditions. We honor
and respect all traditions, including those ways with cultural references.
Contact us (email), if you have
an interest in "Traditional Tribal Ways" or in a specific Native American
Spiritual Path. Include personal information you feel is pertinent to your
request. Your request will be forwarded
directly to our contacts in the Native American Communities.
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