West Coast Conference 2002
Fresno, California
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The 3 Stooges, yep thats them LIVE and in person...l to r: Jeff, Matt, and Scottie, Thurday right before our "stroll to Quizno's":) *ATTENTION PLEASE*  this is Scotties "I do not have any rolls of film" face!!!hehehe...
Heeeeeeres JAY JAY THE JETPLANE!!!hahaha
These people are ready to chow! L to R: Stanley, Alex, Courtney, Suzanne, Raven, Keri, Anthony & Jeff
NO! Ty, you just THINK its like that, but its REALLY not!!!!!!
Jason & Josh @ The Ministers banquet, heres a toast to all the wonderful food that they had 10 plates of....well, u know.....just about.....that and everyones leftovers:)
Josh those flowers like TOTALLY compliment your eyes! just BEAUUUTIFUL:) too bad they smell so awful!!!