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Marla Belt
B  I  O
I am a makeup artist/costume designer living in Manhattan. I moved
here from Ohio to go to Parsons School of Design for Illustration and have
lived here for the past 14 years. I do many things like sew,paint,interior
decorate, make hats,style wigs, create puppets,and of course, do makeup. I
also read extensively for pleasure and research purposes; my forte is
European History and social history through the ages and how costume,makeup,
and manners affect and are affected by society.I love learning about the
world's past and about different cultures too- unfortunately many people
today could care a fig about the past. I also study costume construction and
interiors enthusiastically, especially those from 1600-1940's. I also love
opera and period plays- anything by Mozart or Moliere makes me very happy!
>    I'm inspired by so much, but a lot of it is not current or in fashion
with the masses. My Idols include Louis XIV, George Sand,Kiki de
Montparnesse,Elsa Schiapparelli, Madame de Pompadour, Gloria Swanson, Clara
Bow,Richard Shirah and Boy George(early days).
> Anyone who is rebellious and stands out visually has my vote.

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