Number of News: 14 |
Older News [3] From 02/05/03 to 13/09/03 |
13/09/03 - Saturday Pencil Spinning by David Weis added. A very good site. Contain challenging freestyles and combos. You may want to visit Pencil Ninja which is also by David Weis. A sad news, Mitsuki's Pen Spinning Website had been closed down. 31/08/03 - Sunday A new link added called The Troposphere. A website done by Darren Chan a.k.a nhk_9. An experienced pen spinner. Still not completely done yet. Most of the videos are not yet uploaded. Be the first to take a look at his website before it is officially launch now! 25/08/03 - Monday PenstudioZ 1st Year Anniversary! Celebrating 1st Anniversary, PenstudioZ presents a freestyle, Final Strike. Found under the Freestyle Section at videos page. Hope everyone like it. Thanks for supporting PenstudioZ all this while. 21/08/03 - Thursday Larry's pen spinning website added. A website that contain mostly videos. There are some interesting videos like silverware spinning and television remote control spinning. All the videos require Quicktime Player. Recently, there are some errors for the PenstudioZ Tag Board. Therefore you might not be able to access it. If the problem continues, I may consider to change into other tagboard. PenstudioZ 1st Anniversary at 25 August 2003. Be sure to come back to check it out! 09/08/03 - Saturday Its Singapore 38th Birthday today. Celebrating Singapore's National Day, PenstudioZ have added a miscellaneous video on one of the unsuccessful videos that is being recorded when shooting JH's Two Handed Combo. Hope everyone like it. The video will be removed after one week. Can be found under the Hosted Section. So watch it now! *Video has been removed. Email to to get it. 26/07/03 - Saturday Detailed Explanations on Multi Colours Bar Indicator and possible Multi Colours Bar added. For more information, proceed to Faqs Section. 25/07/03 - Friday A new PenstudioZ Colour Bar Indicator(PCBI) added at the top right hand corner of the page.. It is a new feature that shows whether there will be frequent updates or lesser updates in the following days, weeks and months. Major update will be indicated as a blue colour bar. For more information, Visit the Faqs Section. Also, another short url is added. . Recommended for those who does not like banners. 10/07/03 - Thursday Update in PenstudioZ Logo. Hope you like it. 29/06/03 - Sunday Some updates on navigation bar and main page. Also, a 7 Loop Combo is added under Combos Section. Visit Videos Page to see the video. Pen Modding Techniques and my Sand Mod coming real soon. 17/06/03 - Tuesday Minor updates and changes in main page and Links Section. More updates coming soon. 27/05/03 - Tuesday 6 Voting Polls added. All the polls here were be placed for 1 month and above. When the specific poll ended, results were be stated in the voting page. You can make use of the Voting Polls to vote whatever you like. There might be a limit to the number of votes. The request would be to vote sincerely. If anyone have a very interesting question or more, you can post it in the tagboard or contact me through email. All the informations on how to contact me are stated in Biography page. If your question is interesting, the poll will be created and credits were be given to you. When posting in the tagboard or email, kindly tell me your name, questions and answers for the poll/s. When accepted, it will appear here within 1 month. Also, the winner/owner of the poll can decide whether to allow users to vote more than once or only once. An Example of the Poll has been added under the Navigation Bar. Take a look at it to know more. *Another update, Tell a Friend icon added under the navigation bar. If you like my website, hope you can click on the button and recommend PenstudioZ to your friends. Its simple to use, so help to recommend and tell everyone about PenstudioZ now! Thanks! :-) 24/05/03 - Saturday Two new videos added! One on Index Spin 1.5 to Forward 1.5, which can be found under Combos Section. The other one is a combo filmed by my friend, JH. He is a Singaporean. And he is the one that I talked about in the About Page. He came to my house this Afternoon and helped me in recording the video. Its a Two Handed Combo. Took us one whole hour to film it! The reason is because he is not very familiar with the webcam so I took a long time to explain to him the process. But still, the overall in filming and sharing knowledge in Pen Spinning with him is great. Thanks to him for the video. His Two Handed Combo can be found under a new section called 'Hosted', it is stated right at the bottom of the page. Click on Videos to download those videos. Enjoy! 05/05/03 - Monday As promised, 3 videos added performed using a Recorder. The feeling and pressure used when performing using a recorder and pen would be very different as the recorder is much more heavier and fatter compared to a pen or pencil, thats why I decided to start some Recorder Manipulation.While filming, precaution are taken to prevent the recorder from dropping on the hard concrete floor which spoil the recorder or destroy the tune. Carpet are laid on the floor to minimise the damage. Everything is fine and the recorder is still in a very good condition. No damage is done to it. The three videos can be found in a new section called the Freestyle section. The name of the 3 videos are Merry-Go-Round, Master Gunman and Never Ending Spin. The Master Gunman is also filmed with my Green Crystal Recorder for better visual effect. To get it, visit the Videos page. Also, I wanted to Thanks Everyone for the continuous support for PenstudioZ, and I would film more wonderful videos for everyone to see, so do check back oftenly! 02/05/03 - Friday Site Legend added in Videos Page for more informations on understanding. Older news moved to archive. Three Videos performed using Recorder were be added as soon as possible. Please be patient, Thanks. |