Number of News: 14 |
Older News [2] From 10/02/03 to 15/04/03 |
15/04/03 - Tuesday Two major updates. Biography updated. A Tag Board is added for chatting, giving comments and discussions. Do visit them. -edit- Editing of Tag Board will be done oftenly for better performences. 13/04/03 - Sunday Some small updates. Visitors' Counter is replaced. 07/04/03 - Monday Videos Update as promised. Two videos of my own tricks added, which are the Figure 8 and In Out Sonic. To get to know more, visit the Videos Page. Figure 8 is under the Wiper Section as you need to learn Wiper Harmonic before knowing Figure 8. The In Out Sonic is under the Sonic Section. Hope everyone enjoy it. Also, I am currently doing some research through the internet to get to know more about the history of pens, pencils and more. If anyone is interested or know some informations and websites, please feel free to contact me through the forum or email. Also, the short url is up again. But I am not sure if the same thing would happens again. I apologise for that. 05/04/03 - Saturday There will be updates sooner or later. As soon as possible but not now, as something sad happen to one of my family members. Left us. Get what I mean? New update include two new videos. One on In Out Sonic, which is a cool combination on Inverse Sonic 34 and Sonic Normal 12, but does only one spin, so it is actually a new trick, not a combo. Another, I called it Figure 8. It looks like Wiper Harmonic and Infinity, but again, it is just one new trick, not a combo. So this two new Combo-Like tricks were be added as soon as possible once I am free. Note: is experiencing problem quite often now, so I recommend everyone saving into your favourites, or you can access through 29/03/03 - Saturday Videos and Contents Update! Small maintainence in website. Contents updated in Faqs. New videos section called the Stall and Balance added. Under the Section, Hand Stall and Two Finger Balance videos added. Two Combos added, which are the Pause Combo and the Conurbation Hyper Sonic. 4 Videos in Total for today. PenstudioZ will be the first and only Pen Spinning website that will be showing you videos on how to Stall and Balance a pen, starting from the most basic, where no other website has done before. Hope you all enjoy! Click on the videos page to proceed there. 25/03/03 - Tuesday Ok, the Videos were hosted by Mack, so there is lesser bandwidth problem now. The old link can still be able to work and is renamed as Standby Videos Link. Only if there are problems with the Videos Page, then you may access to the Standby Videos Link to download the Videos. is another shorter url address you can access to here. So I won't be making Second website for PenstudioZ now. Also there are some updates around PenstudioZ, here and there. 23/03/03 - Sunday Nedstat Basic 3.0 added for increase accuracy in site tracking. 22/03/03 - Saturday 20 Videos were remade and uploaded using my new webcam. 1 new video added, Inverse Sonic Harmonic. To check which videos were remade, simply look at the date posted, the date would be 22/03/03. 18/03/03 - Tuesday Video and link updates. New combo, Shadow to Backaround added. I admit I am not very good with Shadow and Backaround. So its just for entertainment purpose hehe. Meanwhile, a new website added, Pen Spinning 3K by Aaron Robertson also known as A C in Pentix Forum. His website contain many informations on Pen Spinning including exercises, tips, pen shui and many more. Swifthandz does not have further updates so I am guessing that the owner had abadoned his website. I specially added a link on The Bad Side on Pen Spinning. This link is taken from Pen Spinning 3K. The owner gave detailed informations on injuries when overdoing pen spinning, also contain symptoms and preventions. I have found another web hosting site for my second website, but still don't have enough time to work on it. So please understand my situation now. Okie, thats all for today. Enjoy! 13/03/03 - Thursday Files at the second website was removed due to large amount of videos :( . Files and videos are lost, bad. So I am trying to get another web hosting that is more stable and reliable now. Meanwhile, I will be adding some videos in here soon. 02/03/03 - Sunday There is some problems found with the free site hosting. I will get it done as soon as possible. So would be down at the moment. 23/02/03 - Sunday Second Website for PenstudioZ created at . This website is formed to hold my new webcam videos. The new website comes with Site Biography, Faqs, 20 remade videos using CCD Sensor Webcam. These Videos are the basic tricks such as the Thumbspin, Sonic, Fingerpass, Charge, Index Spin and many others! Not only that, it includes 2 new videos under a new section called the Stall and Balance Family. Also, a Combo is added under the Combos Section. So there are 23 New Videos in all! If anyone does not want to waste time downloading the basic tricks, you can just download the new videos which are the 2 tricks and a new combo. Hope everyone enjoy! 16/02/03 - Sunday OC Techniques added. OC = Opening and Closing Techniques for pen. To find out more, click on Video Page 2, under the others section. 3 pictures added on the main page. They are the Thumbspin, Fingerpass and Snap Flip. Major Updates coming soon. 10/02/03 - Monday Site maintainence. 20 News moved to Older News Section. |