To qualify for this award your site must be kid safe, be pleasent to the eye, having no gaudy graphics, no adult I repeat no adult or hate content and no links to these sites, You will not win this award if this content is found on your site! There must be actual and original content not just links, It must be obvious that you have put a lot of time and thought into the design of your site. There should be no broken links your site must be easliy navigated. Now that that's covered, if your site meets this criteria then email us with your sites url, tital, description and the number of the award you wish to win. you will be contacted only if you win the award. Otherwise you not hear from us.
This award is available to sites that are kid safe and family friendly! It must be a kids site only! No other sites will be considered or accepted! It is presented to sites that Heidi finds to be a favorite of hers. Submit your url, tital and description by emailing us.
Be sure to tell us that this is the award you wish to win.