S.H.I.E.L.D. E.S.P Division

Since it's inception in the early
days of the agency, the ESP (Extra Sensory
Perception) Division has been possibly the most
controversial element of SHIELD's operations.
Formed to protect SHIELD agents from attempted
psionic attack or mind control, the 'Brain Wave
Gang' (as it became known amongst members of the
agency) maintained a constant telepathic vigil
for signs of mental interferance or anomolous
behaviour at all levels of SHIELD. Equipped with
a vast array of esoteric equipment, the ESP
Division quickly became the subject of rumours
and distrust and it was commonly believed that
too much power and responsibility was placed
within it's grasp. Even the Director and his
senior staff were liable to telepathic
surveillance (in effect, mind reading), in the
division's search for 'embryonic peril'. Fury in
particular fell foul of ESPD surveillance and his
distrust of the agents who made up the team was
widely known.
 Insignia of
the SHIELD ESP Division
official disaproval, the Espers operated in
almost total freedom, both inside and outside the
agency, maintaining a 24hr vigil on all agents
and recording their brain scans in the massive
databanks of the SHIELD computers. During the
1960's the ESPer Division was instrumental in the
successful completion of a number of SHIELD
operations and they won a grudging acceptance
from their colleagues. Over time, however,
further abuses of power would be revealed which
could not be attributed to the freedom the
Division was allowed. The division's downfall was
to come when it was discovered that the 'Delta'
LMD had used the ESPer Division in his search for
agents to be encoded as 'Deltite' replicants,
gradually replacing a vast proportion of the
agency's operatives with duplicates sympathetic
to his cause.
Using his replicants, the Delta
construct eliminated the SHIELD 'Executive
Committee' and usurped the Chairman's position.
With his powerbase secure, he proceeded to
pervert the agency's manpower and resources to
achieve his goal of total global domination.
Using elements of SHIELD, along with subverted
cadres of both Hydra and AIM, he manipulated
Director Fury and his remaining agents - forcing
Fury to become a fugitive from his own agency
after framing him for treason and assigning many
of the unencoded agents for 'Delta training' to
bring them under his control. Only the actions of
Fury and a small band of loyal agents and their
allies prevented his mad scheme from succeeding,
but SHIELD was to pay a terrible price: the
Agency's UN charter was revoked and SHIELD was
 'Network' Nina, Former Head of the
Although very
few members of the ESPer Division survived the
Deltite Affair, Fury sought out one of the most
unpredictable to recruit into the new SHIELD crew
during 'Operation Rebirth': 'Network' Nina was a
project of the earlier 'psi-bernetic' research
carried out by the ESPD - her natural abilities
were augmented by neural implants which increased
her psionic potential and allowed her to
interface with computers and other machines. But her new abilities were wild and
unpredictable and after it became apparent that
the neural net was actually causing Nina physical
pain whenever it was activated, Fury immediately
ordered her retirement from active service.The
Director made sure that Nina received the very
best care possible, even taking personal
responsibility for her well-being after the
agency's public dissolution and visiting her
regularly throughout the long and painful series
of surgical and psychological procedures that
would eventually see her declared free of the
implant's harmful effects.
When the new
SHIELD was created, Nina was the natural choice
to head up the ESP Division - a much smaller
operation than it's predecessor with strictly
limited responsibilities and duties. Nina was to
prove an excellent Division Head, popular both
with her subordinates and ther colleagues in
general. The new ESPD was instrumental in the
successful conclusion of more than one of SHIELD's
most difficult operations and Fury came to rely
on her counsel, dispite his very public
criticisms of the earlier 'brain wave gang'. Nina
eventually gave her life in service to SHIELD,
when her neural implants were overloaded in a
confrontation with the Hydra double agent Psi-borg.
Fury was deeply affected by the loss of his
friend and as the agency became threatened by
government manipulation and other exterior
threats, he was able to arrange matters so that
another permanent Head of the ESPD was never
When SHIELD was brought
under the banner of the Stargate Command, Fury
and Hammond quickly recognised the need for a
strong defence against the mental control that
appeared to be evidenced by certain System Lords
and - reluctantly - Fury found it necessary to
extend the duties of the ESP Division and appoint
a new Division Head who was equal to the new task.
Through contacts in the Intelligence community,
Fury soon heard rumours about Mnemosyne Raïs and
eventually tracked her down to a small bar in
Paris that she was running while she waited for a
new challenge to take her fancy. Despite her
initial reluctance, Fury was able to convince her
that he could offer the challenge she was looking
for and recruited her into the elite Unit. Her
selection as Head of the ESPD was controversial,
but oher flamboyant style has proved to be the
right approach and the Division is producing some
impressive results.
