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Namu Amida Butsu

Northampton Shin Buddhist Sangha

Sensei Unno

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Taitetsu Unno, Sensei

The founder and Sensei of the Northampton Shin Buddhist Sangha is Taitetsu Unno, Jill Ker Conway professor emeritus of religious studies at Smith College, Northampton, MA. "Ty" is an fully-ordained Shin priest, Buddhist scholar specializing in the Pure Land tradition, and author of many publications, including River of Fire, River of Water and Shin Buddhism: Bits of Rubble Turn Into Gold.

Namu Amida Butsu Ty Unno Namu Amida Butsu

Fri. (eve.) 7/11, Saturday 7/12 - Sunday 7/13

Annual Workshop with Ty and Mark Unno

Location: Barre Center for Buddhist Studies

This workshop explores the deeper dimensions of Shin Buddhism in larger philosophical and cultural contexts, taking up the core issues of relative perspectives, dissolving dualistic boundaries, and realizing the oneness of reality. The discussion is based on the words of Shinran (1173-1263) contained in the classical Tannisho (Lamenting the Deviations). The weekend consists of dharma talks, open discussion, and free inquiry, as well as quiet sitting and sutra chanting.

Please contact BCBS at (978) 355-2347 or for information about availability of space. Hurry!

Namu Amida Butsu