$10 Disposable Camera

car Cliff's father's Puerto-Rican Flag
car2 Great shot of traffic (Hey look its Scott sideswiping some lady! Thats gonna cost a good $880!)
city Jacksonville......uh yeah
cliffjeffpaul Cliff, Jeff, and Paul
cliffmicahpaul Cliff, Micah (NERV!), and Paul, Thumbs Up kiddies!
cliffwipeout3 Cliff trying hard not to pull a "Scott-Sideswipe" in WipeOut 3
igamecliff Cliff....in front of the I-Game logo
igamepaul Paul...ditto
igamecliffpaul Combine the above two and you get.....
paulpokemon And now, ladies and gentlemen for your entertainment pleasure; Paul presenting Pokemon Green!
regency Regency Mall --Insert Semi-Offensive Comment Here--
scotthack Scott doing some serious Back Orifice 2k Hacking
scottoff Scott caught off guard, still giddy as ever!
scottpaulcliff Taken by Father. "Ok, now how the hell do I work this thing Cliff?!"