Mappyman's New Photos!
adidas Even though I've never worn any Adidas wear in my life, my grandparents got me a shirt. Also Memory and Phone Cards!
banker Jon's new dog. A Cross between a weiner and a Rotweiler
bonniecute ^_^ Bonnie on my bed *cute cute!!!*
bonniedoor ^_^ Bonnie at my door
bonnieroom ^_^ Bonnie sorta praying in my room
bonniesleepy ¬_¬ Aww....3am, sleeepy
chizad Chad, with a smootho Hook-Ups shirt!
dancedance Scott with Pocketstation and Dance Pads!!!
dancepad1 Chris doing a handplant on the dance pads
dancepad2 Chris totally vertical on the dance pads
fudge Fudge You!!! And Ragu!
guitar New guitarist for Milkcan!!!
happynuff All the presents! All mine!!!
lokichris Loki and Chris battling it out on PuyoPuyo! Coffee!!!
present Gotta love them GAP sweaters
spiritbomb Loki and Chris doing the dreaded attacks "Spirit Bomb" & "Destructo Disc" (from DBZ dubbed)
standing Just kinda standing around
tumor *MWAH!!!* They're eating my brains WAHHH!! Get outta my head! They'll get you too!!!