Middle of '99 School Pics

1st tower Eric lifting Hanson, Pete, and Josh at the SAME Time!
brandi Shaggadellic SKA Sailor Moon girl Brandi....meow!
cliff and Rob Cliff, ROB (TUBZ logo), and William's finger
highgroup2 Scott, Chris, Cliff (with ROB), William, and Paul from above
rentacop Sean getting told to "Tuck It!", William, and Rent-A-Cop
Fuchik0ma Scott, Cliff, William, Paul, Chris, and Sean
tower 2 We thought Eric's legs would have gave out by now....oh well
willasians William macking with his Asian hunnies!
amandamegan Amanda and Megan...really close
ami Ami-chan....sitting there
amipetermegan Christmas Ami-chan, Pete, and Gift-Wrapped Megan
amiscottsean Ami, Scott, and Sean in front of the TV Desk
chris Chris's grandpa....without any teeth!
chris2 Big-headed suprised Chris
cliffcomp Cliff at computer, with Christmas tree BG (Go Pistons!)
cliffcomp2 Wouldn't you know it? Another Cliff at computer shot!
cliffheatherjenn Cliff with bloody lip and Santa Hat, Heather and Jenn
endyear9 Group shot of all the Freshmen back in Spring '98
fuchimain2 Awesome Fuchikoma group shot, complete with middle fingers, snide expressions, and a buddah necklace (Sean)
jackiechris Chris doing Ghost-Fu (Woooo!)
josh Josh.........with a Severe hangover
joshandpeter Josh (with no neck) and Pete (with no brain)
keblerjosh Joshua stealing some Keebler cookies from Seans backpack
losers Cliff, Paul (bunny ears!), and Antonio ("Got any change?")
lunch Sean, Chris, and Scott (with the "Leave me while I drink my Strawberry Fruitopia" look)
mainfuchi The mother of all Fujikoma group shots (Bow Down!)
peter Pete.......with Satan's claws crunching him
photo1 Cliff, Barbra, Tobias, and Heather.....tightly packed
scottjap Scott at his 18th B-day with sister Melissa, Mom, and Chef
tammyandtracy Tammyann, Tracy, and an Evil Bunny Rabbit