burnup Mappy sporting the Anime-shirt-with-turtleneck look!
burnupdark Ohh, the Pepsi doesn't like you! (ok ok, I really don't know what to comment, shaddup)
journalism Alosis, Wushuquan [sleeeepy...], Jenny [migrains!], Arron [Duh...], Dorian [Pikachu], Mappy [Gotta Catch 'Em All!], and Jon [E Male]
journalism2 Dorian, Alosis, Jenny [Lunchbox!], Jay, Mappy, and Wushuquan (also Pokemon Red!)
kittens Precious, Edward Scissorhands, and Patches (want one?!)
wushu Ebony, Wushuquan [o0o0o], Dorian, and Alosis
wushubox Eric's in the box!!! Go go go!
halloweendance (left to right, top to bottom) Pete [Darth Maul], Holly [Vampiress], Sushi [China Shaolin], Cliff [Brock], Chris [Bio Zombie], Mappy [Joei], Paul [Hojo], Shawn [Loki], ???
oldskool Old old old picture. Cliff, Chris, Pete, and Sean
fcat Even older picture of Chris, Pete, Josh, Sean, and Paul (well sorta) taking the FCAT