Shin's Christmas School Pics!
2ndpd Those poor, pathetic little freshmen...
amybrandy Amy-chan ^_^ and Brandy!
bwashfreshmen Tabbz seems interested in the BAM2 match...
bwashfreshmen2 An entire room of freshmen were brainwashed by BustAMove2... even Frog Boy to the far right!
chrisloses What happened to your teeth Tyson?
cliffbarbara Aww....look  at the widdle couple =P~~
darthwilliam Moments later Castor Boy was hit by a brick and had his wallet and Pokémon game stolen. Such is the way of the Dark Side....
youguys Castor Boy, Chris, Sushi, Josh (nice hat err...), Cliff (even Nicer hat err...), and Jon
heatherbarbara Heather and Barbara.....hey you two, not so close...
2girlsguy Cliff looks a little sleepy with his two ladies
molatova Hork Hork! @#EyE YaM GuNnA Hax0r YeW!! Rarar!@#@
overthrown That's it Raft Boy, back to China now!!!
psychopyro Do not directly into the burnt CD...
seancliffchris A really spectacular shot of Sushi & Cliff... and Chris is here too
seanworship Oh great god of Ramen Noodles...ohhhh...
skool Insert Demiso Bomb [-here-]