School Photos (Recent) |
backhand | Chris backhanding Pete in the head....Sean too |
clifftourny | Ha ha! there are SO
many possible quotes: -"Hey kid, let me borrow $5 for the admission fee, please?" -"Im gonna kick your ass!" "Mommy! This boy said a bad word!" -"Alex, don't tell anyone this but your not supposed to lose!" -"Any of you kids want to buy the Subtitled Mewtwo movie?" |
danjoshchris | Afterschool crowd: Danny, Josh, and Chris |
evolwillpete | Ev0L William and Porno Pete |
flickoffsean | Chris flipping off Sean....Peter too |
grandtheftauto | Wow! One of those new VW Bugs designed as Pikachu! Its so awesome, I want one!!....and Cliff |
groupadam | Chris, Ami-chan, Paul, William, and a Manatee (Adam) |
paulkodama | Pull the string and its head rattles! Cool! |
pikabug | Behold the ultimate Otaku vehicle! o^.^o "Pika!" |
seanpaul | Sean and Paul. Rahhh! |
seansearch | Sean Lesbian Search '99!!! |
tammy | Tammyann Camacho ::smile:: |
thumbsup | Peter & Chris Thumbs up. Bruce Lee shirt! |