Various Sophmore Year

amibooks ^_^ Cute picture of Ami with her Geo book ^_^
amisideface ^_^ Ami with a sMiLe!
bruceleedeath Check out Chris's expression as he lays a deathblow to Scott!
chrispyronirvana Wahoo!!!
cliffkick Sushi, Josh (D Shirt), and Cliff kickin' it
clifflocker Cliff with a "Wha?" expression
drpepper Ahhh, CAFFINE!!!
fuchigroup Pete, Cliff, Ami, Scott, and Sean
hackerchicbg Hacker Chick (Alisha).........and Chris
haxorchic A more brightened/contrast adjusted version of the above pic
kungfucliff "Fat man in a little coat..."
localbum Pete skipping class (how do they never find him?!)
madsushi Sean about to give someone a severe beatdown
martialarts Ricky, Josh, Sean, Pete, and Chris at Sensei Eric's Martial Arts Training School (actually its just his backyard)
martialart2 Ok everyone Stance!....What are you doing Pete?!
sideclifflocker Cliff's locker; complete with TUBZ logo,Geo book, and ROB!
paulcamera A cool simultneous picture session taken by Paul and Cliff....also Scott defiling Chris's yearbook.
paulcliff Another "Wha?!" look with Paul and Cliff
phippsjosh Phil Phipps!....and Josh just standing there
peoplewithami (dont know these morons) and Ami!
scottediting Scott and Josh editing "What are You looking at?"
scottgrin Scott! With a mischevious grin on his face!
seanfallonface1 Hes Up! He's Up!!!.....
seanfallonface2 ...He's DOWN...(cover your face man!)
shadow William using "Cricket Shadow"...and Scott laughing at him
turnerlunch Chomp! Chomp! CHOMP!....and the Rednecks